Winter has officially hit our small, rural Arkansas town. But, no, we couldn't have the white, pretty stuff to accent the cold, terribly cold temperatures. Instead, we had to have freezing rain and sleet accompany the bitter cold.
So, here I am, still looking at all the homes on BooMama and Julia's Christmas home tours, drinking hot, hot, hot cocoa and dreaming of days when I see the sun and it looks like this

Oh, and I'm trying to find ways to occupy and contain a three year old. This is going to be a long winter.
(You can say that again!!!) L L L O O O N N N G G G W I N T E R ! !
Just dropped Kyler at school in sleet/rain. . .The sick kiddo stayed with her grandma today. . .
I love this weather we are having....I know it is challenging with little ones that want to play outside though!
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