Let me preface today's post by stating for the record that I am in fact NOT, I repeat, NOT pregnant. This topic has come to mind because several people I know are pregnant and I am curious about something.
When you were pregnant with your children, how did you determine what you were going to name the baby? Did you choose family names because you had to or because you wanted to? Were there disagreements about what name would be chosen? Know that you've named your child, does the name fit? If you were going to have a child today, are there any names out there that stand out?
Please, tell all. I know this is an interesting question and post for Monday...but very inquiring minds (or just one mind because that's probably the number of readers I have at this point) want to know.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What's In a Name
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12:50 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
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We named our kids names we liked. And yes, they fit perfect now, it is amazing how that works! I hate it when parents feel obligated to carry on a name. If they want to that is different. Have a good week AMY!:)
they were basically the only names we could agree on. . .that's so sad! "K" names were expected in Kev's family. Kyler has Kev's middle name because I wanted him to. We were unsure what exactly Kady's name was going to be. . .Kadence, Katie, Kadee, etc. We started the naming process soon after I found out I was pregnant, because we have such different opinions. Both my kids "fit" their names. I actually had some remorse over Kyler's name for awhile. Everyone wanted to call him "Tyler," and he couldn't say "k" so he couldn't correct them. . .
I've never felt pressure to use family names. When I was pregnant with Claeb, my husband had already voiced his desire to use that name.
With this pregnancy, we've been a little less certain. So we begna praying and asking the Lord to give us His name for this child.
We've settled on "Asher" which means blessed!
I wouldn't say that we had a hard time agreeing on names, but my hubby and his brother are the kings of nicknames so any name that I came up with had to pass their strict "what would a 10 year old boy call them" test. So stupid...but I guess boys are boys at any age! Davidson is my dad's name and since we were all girls I felt very strongly about using it...I made that pretty clear from way before we ever had babies :) His middle name is an old family name from J's family that we both liked and it went well. Girl names were harder for J...being a good Southern gal, every name I came up with was a double name and he was not a fan. Lilly is just a name we loved and her middle name, Frances, is J's 92yo grandmother who is still living and truly a saint from heaven. We agreed on that easily and it absolutely made Mrs. Frances' day when we told her. She cried and she regularly sends Lilly letters and special gifts as she is the only one of her 7 grandkids and 12 great-grandkids that shares her name. So, I am partial to the family names...but only if you love them and they have special meaning b/c of the namesake.
Raylin is from several different family names. First, my middle name and my father's middle name is Ray. My mother in law's middle name is Raynell - so we knew we wanted to use Ray. My mother's middle name is Lynn. But I did not like Ray Lynn because I didn't want her to have a double name and I thought Ray Lynn sounded a little too country for my city girl :) So Raylin it was. Once I came up with it, there were no arguments and it just stuck. Now the middle name - that was a differnt story! Arguments galore :)
With all of our kids we just picked names that we liked and went with them. I think they fit them perfectly. No family names or any special meanings.
Funny, all of my kids got my second choice name b/c my husband wouldn't agree to the first. Now I call them by first choice on my blog, so it all worked out in the end!
Before kids were in the picture, we had a boy & girl name. I started wavering on the boy name once one of my friends named her little boy that name. Then, while expecting, I also started wavering on the first name. My husband loved it (Mackenzie) and the day we found out it was a girl, I said I didn't want that to be her name anymore. I had suggested Ava and he didn't like it at first, and then when we came around to it, I wasn't sure. It was between that and Kalyn (my mom's maiden name). We ended with Ava because it just seemed to fit her even before birth. Mackenzie ended up being her middle name.
I had had a girl's name picked out since High School. So, when I got pregnant the first time with a girl, that's the only one I would even discuss. It took a little convincing for my hubby, but now she just looks like her name, you know?
With the Prince, I had no clue about a boy's name. We were confined to certain initials because of my hubby's family's tradition. I had one that I was set on, but the hubby just hated it. The hubby had one he really liked, but there was no way he was convincing me of it. Finally, we found one that we both agreed on. And even at only 6 months, I couldn't imagine him as anything else...even my former fave!
Man, that was a novel...sorry!
When we were expecting our 4th child the olderchildren picked David. What to go with that, Andrew was the end result, David Andrew or Andrew David was the big question. The surprise was that my Dad's granddad was named Andrew and we had a family name. Family names are good unless you have a girl named Violet June.
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