I've resorted to a simpler type of life.
I've observed that people are very willing to provide meals or run errands or babysit older siblings, but when it comes to those 3 am feedings, I'm not having anyone volunteer. What's up with that?
I've resorted to a simpler type of life.
Posted by
8:08 PM
Those three things are what I've been up to lately.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Posted by
8:27 AM
So D-Man and I were out doing some shopping the other day...spending a bit of time together before the craziness begins at our house with the addition of H-Man.
Posted by
11:00 PM
That's all that is new at this point.
Posted by
2:03 PM
Just a quick update...
Posted by
6:33 AM
Hello all...
Posted by
11:30 AM
Life's crazy...I would know.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Well, August is almost halfway over and has been oh so busy here at the D-House.
Posted by
9:48 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, New House
So, I think I might have lost my mind.
Let me set the stage for you and see if you agree.
First, I am almost 7 months pregnant.
Second, I am constantly chasing around a 4 year old boy.
Third, I have a husband who works many, many hours a week (upwards of 80-100).
And now I've decided that God is leading us to sell our house and buy a new one.
All in the span of about the next 45-60 days.
Yep, I seem even more crazy when I read it in print.
We have found a house that we love about 15 miles from where we currently are. We've made an offer (feeling that God is leading) and the offer was accepted. Now, we have 45 days to sell ours and the new house is ours.
So, today, at noon, if you could say a little prayer for us. It will be our first big "tour" of the house. Many realtors will be coming through today and we hope to have a lot of interest. The house has only been on the market for 3 days, but it seems like 3 years sometimes.
God is good and faithful and is leading and that's enough for me (but my OCD got to have it planned out to the very second personality sometimes still shows through).
Pray for us!
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Posted by
4:08 PM
Hello All...
I'm still here. I'm sure that you are not.
But, in case that you are, I thought I would let you know why I have been sporadic lately in the blogging department.
1.) Baby H continues to grow and grow and grow in my tummy. Add 100% humidity everyday and temperatures that are reaching the 100 degree mark and you've got yourself one tired, hot, cranky momma.
2.) D-Man turned 4 this week (sniff, sniff). I cannot believe it. We are prepping for the big M.U.D. party (My U're Dirty party) on Saturday and cannot wait. I will be showing you pics next week...be on the lookout.
3.) Husband is having an incredibly busy work schedule which means I don't get much mommy downtime. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.
4.) God is in control and some new changes might be in store for the D House. I'll keep you posted. (I love being able to say God is in control instead of me being in control...His control is soooooo much better).
5.) D-Man has had swim lessons all week. Oh my goodness gracious is all that I can say.
6.) We are still wishing we were on vacation...enough said.
I hope you guys have an awesome weekend (all 1 of you who's out there reading...thanks mom!)
I'll be back more regular next week!
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Husband
I am back...or have you not noticed I've been gone?
Posted by
11:34 PM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Husband
Have I told you lately that I'm going on vacation?
Do you think that I'm excited?
Is it possible that this is the first time in almost 4 years that Husband has gotten to be completely away from his job for more than a couple of days a time?
Could it be that D-Man will be seeing the beach for the first time ever?
Do you think my pregnant body is excited about being in a swimsuit?
Stay tuned...
Posted by
4:49 PM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Vacation
I don't have much time...
Today is the final day of VBS...
Vacation is fast approaching...
Here's what D-Man has been saying...
1.) D-Man was getting out of the car the other day and he told me he had "fancy legs." When I asked what that meant, he said it meant he could get out of the car by himself. Wow...I call that growing up and making momma sad and he calls it fancy legs. Interesting...
2.) We were having dinner/swimming at a friend's house the other night and D-Man told a little girl that was there that they were getting married and then proceeded to pretend a diving toy was a diamond ring and gave it to her. All I can say is that the diving toy was big, so maybe he has good taste in big diamonds...but not for 30 years because he can't date until he is 34 (at least).
3.) As I'm sure you have gathered, VBS is taking place this week at our church. Everyday, I ask the teachers from every grade to pick a "kid of the day" and they get a cool crocodile necklace. This momma was very proud when yesterday she learned that D-Man was selected "kid of the day" in his preschool class of 18 kids. When I asked him to explain to Husband later why he got the award, he simply said, "Because I was the only kid at VBS." My dear D-Man, if you were the only kid at VBS, then momma needs not be the director ever again.
That's all...happy weekend...I will be sleeping!
Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
Well...it's official...I have neglected the blog.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, New Baby
So Husband was trying to be cute the other night and flatter this ever-growing pregnant momma. His words to me were the following...
"If you were an apple, you would be delicious."
You got to love him...
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Husband
I have a new toy and all of you will be the lucky recipients of it's products from now on.
And although I had to sell my firstborn to buy it, I am completely and totally in love. Oh, you know I am kidding...I only had to sell his plasma for the next forty years. I kid, I kid!
It is something that Husband and I have been talking about for awhile and so we've been saving and saving and saving and finally got enough to buy it and some fun accessories (extra lenses and such) to go with it.
Now, if I can only figure out how to use it, we will be in business.
Posted by
12:16 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
These days, my life is filled with a growing tummy, VBS, lazy days by the pool and lots and lots of AC. From the outside looking in, my life is seemingly normal, seemingly typical, seemingly sane.
But do I really have it all together?
Is my OCD enough to keep me in line...keep things going?
Sometimes I wonder exactly what direction I am headed...I wonder whether or not I am coming or going.
And then I stop...and I listen...and I am reminded.
Stop to smell the roses, listen to the direction of my Father, reminded that I am loved and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
And I press on...
Posted by
12:22 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
D-Man is 100% boy...from the pictures I've shown you in the past, you probably already get that.
That's all I've got for today...off for my first day of jury duty. Fun, fun, fun!
Posted by
12:42 AM
Labels: D-Man
Take a good look at this picture because it gives a little glimpse of what D-Man's 4th birthday party will be. Dirt, all dirt.
That's right...he has asked for a dirt party. Yes, you read right, a dirt party.
So being the cool parents that we are, we aim to please. So come about mid July, the local dirt/concrete company will be delivering a load of topsoil (never mind the fact that we need the topsoil...just think cool parents instead of parents who need topsoil and will conveniently have it delivered around our son's 4th birthday). And there will be water...as in slip 'n slides.
Water + topsoil + slip 'n slides = hours of fun for D-Man and his friends...should I take any pictures?
Posted by
12:11 AM
Labels: D-Man
Tonight was a big night in the D-House.
Do you think anyone in the majors would want to see these pics? I think we might have a future pro on our hands, especially with those home plate tricks.
Isn't he the cutest?
Posted by
12:31 AM
Labels: D-Man
This sunshine completely conveys my mood this week...happy, happy, happy! The sun is shining, the rain is not falling and I am happy.
Are you happy? Does the sun make you happy like it does me?
Posted by
12:45 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
D-Man is at such a fun age. You can ask anyone who is around him for any length of time that he just says funny things. Sometimes he tries to act so grown-up and other times the true age that he is (3 years and 10 months) really comes shining through.
Here are a few examples that I absolutely do not want to forget.
1.) We were leaving the hotel last week when we were in Kansas City and we passed a group of people. D-Man turned back to them as he passed and said "Nice to meet you, folks."
2.) D-Man is 100% boy and though I do not believe I am admitting this to the internet world, he sometimes asks us to smell his "toots" or his booty after he "toots." Gross, D-Man, just gross. Is there anyone out their that can relate to the grossness of a boy?
3.) We decided to let D-Man play teeny-weeny t-ball this year. It's only a 4 week season and the games last 30 minutes (all very good for the age group they are dealing with). Anyway, he had his first practice last night and in preparation for it we were gathering all his supplies. His cleats came from his Aunt C who has 3 boys and has cleats in an array of sizes (thank goodness). Next, we talked about his black shorts that he would wear. Black shorts? Black shorts? Not for this D-Man. When I told him about the shorts, he looked at me and said, "Baseball players don't wear shorts. J-Man (uncle), C-Man and Ran-Man (cousins) don't wear shorts when they play baseball." So, I did what any mom in my situation would do. I caved, went to Academy and bought a very expensive ($7.99 that is pair) of black baseball pants and he couldn't be happier.
Isn't it cute sometimes to hear their reasoning?
Well, that's all I've got. I'm headed to finish packing and then hitting the road to see my sweet niece, Baby C, who is turning 1 this weekend. Have a blessed weekend. I hope you see some sunshine where you are.
Posted by
8:04 AM
Labels: D-Man, Forget-me-Not Fridays
Ok, I know you have all been anxiously awaiting the posting of pregnancy pictures by none other than myself. You love to see how incredibly fat, I mean cute I am getting.
Posted by
12:42 AM
Labels: Pregnancy
Well....I'm back.
Our vacation/education trip (Husband had the education part) involved lots of boy things. Bungee trampoline and lots of water. This momma couldn't be happier watching D-Man grow and experience such fun things.
I'll be back tomorrow with more stories and maybe give you a glimpse of what my pregnant self is starting to look like...Happy Monday!
Posted by
8:50 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
(To the tune of "The Adams Family")
Boys that are three
Boys that are three
Boys that are three, Boys that are three, Boys that are three
Their goofy and their smelly
They sometimes like to argue
The whining makes me crazy
Boys that are three
Boys that are three
Boys that are three
Boys that are three, Boys that are three, Boys that are three
They sometimes wake up grumpy
But then they give you smooches
The attitudes are many
Boys that are three
Impressive, no?
I think I have a ways to go...we are off to Kansas City in the morning. Check back for some updates and many pics to come next week.
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
My dear bloggy friends...
I am sorry for being astray for awhile now. The baby continues to grow (as does the momma) and I'm up to my eyeballs in VBS and those things combined with my normal (not sure how normal it is) everyday life has been keeping me busy.
But, alas, I am back today for another addition of "Forget-me-Not Friday" and this one aims to please. D-Man has been on a role lately in what the things he says to me and I'm writing down as fast as I can so as not to forget a thing.
1.) D-Man crawled into my lap one morning recently after getting out of bed. He laid his head on my shoulder and was very quiet for a few seconds (very unusual for him). Then, with the sweetest look on his face, he stared up at me and said, "I can hear the baby crawling in your shoulder." Wishful thinking?
2.) Husband, D-Man and I recently made a trip up the hill to our old stomping grounds. Husband was there to work and D-Man and I were just along for the ride. We were in separate cars...Husband and D-Man together and I by myself (it was wonderful!)...and I get a phone call from Husband. He says to me, "I'm fixing to pull off to the side of the road because D-Man says that his crack is in his booty," meaning that in fact, his underwear are in his crack. I reply to this, "Well, I sure hope his crack is in his booty, because if not, we have a problem."
3.) D-Man got some new pajamas and lets just say they are the favs of the moment. He wants to wear them all the time, everywhere, without taking them off, without letting momma wash them. They are batman and superman pjs, complete with a velcros-onto-the-shoulders cape. And he calls himself "Batman" or "Super D (thanks King)" and has elected to now call me "Wonder-Mommy" and Husband is "Super Cowboy Daddy." Might I add here that Husband is not a cowboy, D-Man just likes to call him that because of the way cute straw cowboy hat I got Husband for the beach this summer.
That's all the fun I have for today! Have a blessed weekend! We are headed to KC next week and are planning some great outings, so fun pictures to come.
Posted by
12:51 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
Aunt B...this is for you and all of the other Nascar friends out there.
D-Man ROCKS, you guys, and I'm proud to show him off!
Isn't he the cutest?
Posted by
12:32 AM
Labels: D-Man
I hope if you are in need of reassurance, comfort, support, strength or love today that you will find it in this video. Listen to the words for they have such a deep meaning.
Posted by
12:10 AM
Labels: My Faith
Did you have this feeling when you were pregnant?
It seems like the second I knew I was pregnant...BAM...brain cells began disappearing.
I'm forgetting things...and I don't forget much.
I'm less focused...and I stay pretty focused.
I'm less OCD...and I tend to be major OCD.
But you know what?
And the other stuff doesn't matter. So, hang with me over the next few weeks as I come out of morning sickness and night sickness and all day sickness (hopefully) and return to your regularly scheduled program.
Posted by
7:26 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Hey my bloggy friends...
I know that my posting is sporadic right now, but all-day sickness and tiredness on top of my normal routine is taking up most of my time. Bear with me...I will return.
In the meantime, I'm on my way up North to the Women of Joy conference in Branson, MO. I am looking forward to a great time of worship and fellowship with 3,000 Christian women (especially my favorite MIL and 2 of my favorite SILs).
I'll be back on Monday!
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
I want to first of all say thanks for all the sweet wishes and prayers on yesterday's post! It truly is an amazing time in our lives and we are so thankful to God for His blessings.
Posted by
12:33 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, New Baby
These are all things one might give their child if they've been sick...they can also be what this pregnant momma has been living on for the past almost 12 weeks.
Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, New Baby
Here's a shout out to my Mom today! It is her something and 9 birthday.
She is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and I love her, love her, love her!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Posted by
12:12 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Family
Here are some things that make me smile today...
1) That D-Man is sitting in my lap telling me he's still my baby.
2) That the tomb is empty...Jesus reigns!
3) D-Man's sweet laugh.
4) Husband loving me so much.
5) Reese's chocolate eggs...more than one to be exact.
6) Easter Sunday!
What makes you smile today?
Posted by
12:05 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Our lives move rapidly, change daily, experience triumphs and failures, but through it all, D-Man never ceases to carry on with a great sense of humor and energy that I wish we all possessed. Oh to be 3 again and not care about anything.
Here are some things I wouldn't want to ever forget:
1.) As D-Man was getting ready for bed the other night, he said to Husband, "I love you good buddy." And I shed a tear.
2.) We were visiting at Husband's parents the other day and PaPa decided to say that a show was "stupid." Well, for those of you who don't know the D-House rules, the word stupid is not used (and D-Man knows it). So, in keeping with the D-House rules (and even though we weren't at our house), he said to me, "Mom, PaPa said stupid!" I think I've trained him right (at least in this one area.)
3.) D-Man decided this afternoon that since mommy was taking a shower, he needed to take a bath. The bathtub is right across from the shower, so I can watch him while I shower. As I was getting dressed after the shower, I asked him if he was ready to get out, to which he replied, "I still don't smell very good." Boys...do they ever smell good?
Posted by
12:22 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
I hope you are having a fantastic week, one filled with much hope and faith resting in the arms of our glorious Father.
Tell me some things that you are thankful for today...tell me some ways you find comfort and strength in our Lord.
Reflect on these things today...
Posted by
12:58 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Because I can, I'm giving a shout out to a few of my favorite blogs today.
I found Holley at Heart to Heart with Holley on a recommendation from my real-life friend, Mandy. Holley is inspiring, real and honest.
Sarah at Blue Castle is absolutely adorable and heartwarming and sincere and I love to read what she has to say.
And finally, Christy at Between Here and Home says it best with the line under her blog title, "Knowing God in the everyday moments while setting my heart on what is to come."
I hope you enjoy checking out some new blogs. Are there any new ones that you are reading?
Posted by
12:03 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Blogs
Last week, The Queen B was gone on a mission trip to Guatemala.
Now, most of you know or have learned through reading my blog that she is my BEST friend in the world (she might not want to admit that she knows me sometimes, but I claim her everyday of the week.)
And last week, that lifeline, that friend, that confidant was out of reach. And it was very hard. Knowing that I couldn't just pick up the phone and talk, or send an e-mail and get a pretty immediate reply made things weird.
But, it made me appreciate her more. And I'm happy to report that on Saturday, I got to talk to her!
She has some amazing stories to report on her trip to Guatemala. God used her, He taught her, He guided her...and you must read allow about it. May you be blessed by what she has to say and the faith and obedience that she had to follow God's will for her life. Be blessed today.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Friends, My Faith
I really can't believe the things my son comes up with sometimes. D-Man is the most amazing, intelligent, ornery child in the world...yes, I am his momma and I can be a bit biased. But he really is all those things...I'm just saying.
Anyway, I've got some really good things to tell all of you today. Things that I definitely do not want to forget.
1). Husband had to make an unexpected trip to California this week and it was his first time to fly since D-Man was old enough to understand what was going on. As we said our prayers each night this week while Husband has been gone, D-Man has prayed this as part of his prayer, "Lord, please don't let my daddy fall out of the airplane." Young minds...they just don't comprehend it all...but the prayer still had feeling, still had meaning, still had purpose...D-Man was asking for his daddy's safety and this momma couldn't be more proud.
And he also prayed for his daddy to have a great breakfast at the hotel...
2). D-Man, NaNa RAD and myself went to eat one night this week at a local favorite. At the end of the meal, D-Man announced to me that he needed to go take care of business in the bathroom. Isn't that the way it always happens?
Anyway, as we prepared for him to do his "business" he informed me that "it" wouldn't come out if he kept his shoes, pants and underwear on. "What?" I asked. To which he repeated..."it" won't come out, I have to take my shoes, pants and underwear off.
Great, just great...I hope he outgrows this.
3). As I laid D-Man down to sleep last night, he quietly said to me, "I love you so very much." And that's all this momma needed to hear.
Happy Weekend!
Posted by
12:33 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
D-Man asked at dinner tonight if he could put on his "doctor" clothes and go to the hospital and work with his Daddy tomorrow.
And what would you expect was his Daddy's answer..."Why sure, Son!"
D-Man says that Daddy will work in one room and he'll work in another and he'll bring his "computer" to work to set up in his "office."
Oh to be 3 1/2 again...I'll let you know how long the job lasts!
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: D-Man
The D-House is very excited....spring is here...spring is here...spring is here!
We've been getting the house ready...stay tuned for a spring tour.
Continue to be in prayer for The Palace as they continue their mission in Guatemala. All is well...there will be lots of stories when they get back and I won't spoil their thunder by telling what they've told me thus far.
Posted by
12:43 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Thanks to all of you for the sweet words concerning my little incident. It was a tough situation I hope I never have to go through again. And because you asked, D-Man was oblivious to the whole situation and didn't know anything was going on (THANK GOODNESS!)
Not much new to report today. I've got some great Forget-me-Not Friday stories that I'll get back to next week.
For now, I'm headed to church to prepare for our Women's Retreat this weekend.
And, please remember during your prayer time over the next week to pray for Queen B and the rest of the team who are traveling to and in Guatemala.
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
When you look at this photo of me...yes, I'm posting a full-on photo of myself today...I'm sorry it is so scary...anyway, when you see this photo of me, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Apparently to some sales clerk in a local big name department store who wasn't doing her job, she decided to add the title of "shoplifter" to my book of names.
How do you think I look behind bars?
Let me explain...
A couple of days ago, D-Man and I were in a local mall (by local I mean within an hour of where we live because remember, we live in rural, RURAL, Arkansas). We had time to kill, no where to be and no money to spend, so we were basically window shopping for those things we thought we needed when spring and summer roll around.
We had stopped in several little shops where I tried on some spring/summer dresses that could be paired with leggings now and summer later (because I am all about versatile fashion).
Our last stop before grabbing a quick bite to eat and heading home was to a big name department stores in the mall. Let's call it an anchor store with the first letter that starts with "D."
I have shopped this store many, many times in my life and frequently tried on things (as was the case today). I happened upon some cute dresses (same style, 3 different patterns) and since I still had birthday money and a birthday gift card from this store to burn my thought process was I'll try on the first dress and if it works, I'll get all three. Splurge for me!
I proceeded to find a sales clerk who let me into the dressing room. As she walked away she said to me, "If you need any help, let me know." This led me to believe that if I actually needed something, she would be within earshot to hear my calls.
But, contrary to my assumption, this was in fact not how it was...her lack of "customer service" would come to haunt me later.
I tried on the first of the three dresses and decided very quickly, "Ughh...much better on the hanger than on this body." So, I did what I always do in dressing rooms and hung the dress neatly back on the hanger and walked out with all three dresses in tow.
And to my surprise, sales clerk girl was no where to be found.
So I did what any nice citizen would do, I placed the dresses back on the rack where I found them and proceeded out of the store.
Now let me stop for a moment and give you a mental picture of what was taking place at this point. There was myself with only a small purse in tow and D-Man. No bags, no stroller, no fuss. Remember I said no bags...this will come in handy in a moment.
As I am walking down the mall, I'm doing what I always do especially when I have D-Man with me, I'm keeping an eye on the people surrounding me. Suddenly, I notice a man...in full uniform...approaching me from behind talking on his cell phone.
He says to me (still has cell phone to his ear), "Ma'am, would you mind to show me what's in your purse?"
"Excuse me?" I replied back.
"May I see what's in your purse?" he answered.
I'm floored...but I open my purse and pull out the three things I had in it; my wallet, my day timer and a small notebook.
The man (who still hasn't shown me any form of id) then says to me, "Have you been trying on some stuff?"
I said, "Where?"
He said, "At big name department store that starts with the letter D."
I said, "Yes, three dresses."
"Well, what did you do with them when you were finished trying them on," he continued.
By this point, I am sweating...heart is pounding...I'm nervous. I'm all this not because I was guilty, but because someone would have the nerve to call security on me when they weren't doing their job by being attentive to my needs. I was overcome with emotion to say the least.
I answered his last question with, "I placed them back on the rack. Would you like for me to show you?"
"Would you mind?"
D-Man and I then proceeded to walk back to big name department store with security guard guy all the while he is trying to make light of the situation by making small talk.
Note to self, security guard guy, when you've just accused lady in the mall of shoplifting something that she didn't shoplift (and could not have fit into her purse if she had wanted to), she is not going to want to make small talk.
We are now back in the store and I proceed directly to the rack where I hung the three dresses after I tried them on. And can you believe, there were exactly where I told him they would be. Go figure?
About this time, the sales clerk was at the register hanging up from a call and she walks over and says to me, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you come out of the dressing room."
So in other words, you weren't doing your job, weren't being attentive to my needs and so I have to suffer for it?
Apparently so.
That's pretty much how it ended. I asked if I could go, they said thanks for being cooperative and I left the store.
In tears, but I left the store, nonetheless.
And I probably won't be going back. Ever. Or for a very long time.
I am happy to report, though, after a call to the store manager, Gary, I learned that what they did was not procedure...surprise, surprise.
And, I still probably won't be going back. Ever. Or for a very long time.
Anyone want to go shopping with me?
Posted by
12:18 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Tomorrow's blog post...you won't want to miss it.
Let me tease you a bit with this piece of info.
It involves a big name department store, a clerk who wasn't doing her job and a security officer following me down the mall.
Check back tomorrow.
Posted by
12:28 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Posted by
12:14 AM
Labels: Awards
He's happy and radiates an energetic, happy spirit.
He's a teacher. He loves to show D-Man new things and doesn't get frustrated or inpatient in doing so.
He's strong and he knows how important teaching D-Man the value of exercising and being healthy is.
And he's a helper...and doesn't mind to do a woman's job in order to help me out.
I love this man...and I hope that he knows this. It's not our anniversary, it's not his birthday, it's not Father's Day. I just wanted him to know that he make me a better me and makes our lives better.
I love you...
Posted by
12:40 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Husband
Life has taken over...more specifically God's plan is moving me today.
I have to take a break from the blog.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, My Faith
These were the words spoken to me as I picked D-Man up from school yesterday.
They are what I would call "beautiful words" to this momma's ears.
Now let me explain all that by telling you first, my son IS NOT a bully! He had gotten into a little scuffle over a block that he was playing with but someone else wanted. When D-Man is building a spaceship, he needs his blocks. And then went directly to timeout for fighting.
I'm glad he went to timeout...not so glad that he was fighting at school...glad that he was defending himself...not so glad that he was fighting at school...glad he understood what he did wrong...not so glad that he was fighting at school.
Many talks were had over the weekend about fighting and why we don't fight and I'm happy to report (after hearing those "beautiful words" when I picked him up) that D-Man gets that fighting does not solve problems.
One lesson down (that I know we'll still have to rehash 4 bazillion times over his lifetime), 840 million to go.
And they say this parenting thing is hard...
Posted by
12:24 AM
Labels: D-Man
I'm still recovering from my weekend. Plus, the weather has been so nice that D-Man and I have spent lots of time outside and I've neglected my normal routine inside.
Talk amongst yourselves and I hope to be back tomorrow.
I know you can hardly wait...
Posted by
12:52 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
I'm trying to dig out from the loads of laundry and stuff that's out of place after our great weekend trip with family.
I'll be back when I make it out.
Happy Monday...hope you all had a great weekend! Tell me what you did, if you are so inclined.
Posted by
12:02 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Family
Well, we are off this morning to the great state of Missouri to spend a few days with my family in Branson.
I hope that each of you has a wonderfully blessed weekend!
Posted by
12:08 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Family
Several weeks ago, I asked all of you, my bloggy friends, to ask me something you'd like to know about me. Three of you amused me with your questions and so today I thought I'd start answering them.
Rachel asked me if I planned to have more kids. Well, I guess if God's plan calls for them, yes. When Husband and I got married, we talked about having 3 or 4. Then came professional school for Husband and then training for the professional career and we arrive at today. D-Man is our world...we feel so blessed that we get to be his parents here on earth. And, if God blesses us with another child that we get to raise on earth, then we will say, "BRING IT ON!"
Rachel also asked me if I had always planned on being a stay-at-home-mom. This is a great question and one I haven't specifically answered before. For those of you who don't know, I majored in Biology when I was in college with the intention of becoming a Biology teacher. God had another plan, though, and Husband and I married, I completed the Biology portion of my degree and we moved so that he could attend a postgraduate professional school. I needed a job, because the bills didn't pay themselves and so I began working at a bank...and I stayed there for several years (with a small run at selling insurance in between). Banking worked for me...I needed a job where I could talk to people and banking afforded me that opportunity. I worked many aspects in the banking industry including teller, customer service representative and branch manager. Basically, I saw myself as a career oriented person who was on a path to something great.
Then I became pregnant and my whole world and focus changed. I could about nothing more than readying the room, buying the clothes and speeding up time so that I could hold D-Man in my arms. And so I quit work 9 days before he was born and haven't looked back since.
Do I miss the social aspect a job lends itself to, yes, but I wouldn't trade where I am in my life for anything.
I hope that you learned something about me today...if you weren't able to ask your question before and have one to ask by all means do so in the comments section!
And thanks Rachel for the questions!
Posted by
12:58 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Questions
Yes, it's true.
Posted by
12:08 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
I am working on something new that someday soon I want to unveil to all of you. It's something very near and dear to my heart and it involves my FAVORITE subject, my Heavenly Father.
But I need some help from all of my bloggy friends...please, oh please don't fail me now.
What is a verse(s) that speaks to you? Is there a reason behind why this verse is so special (if you are willing to share this reason).
Thanks in advance for your help!
Posted by
12:33 AM
Labels: My Faith
...I wake up, look at the clock and realize I still have 2 hours left to sleep.
...D-Man says, "Mommy," while we are driving in the car and follows it with, "I love you."
...I find some leftover Valentine's chocolate I forgot I had.
...the weather is sunny outside and warm all at the same time.
...my jeans fit looser than the last time I wore them (even after washing and drying them.)
...I get to spend time with family whom I haven't seen in awhile.
...I get to laugh and laugh and laugh.
...I am reminded how great my Father in Heaven is!
Posted by
12:28 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Family, My Faith
It's "Forget-me-Not Fridays" again...is it me, or do the weeks seem to be going by faster and faster? Anyway, I've got some cute ones for you that I think will get your weekend started off right!
1. As D-Man got out of his race car this other day, he said to me, "That was the drive of my life." Oh to be 3 1/2 again...
2. D-Man has been a bit under the weather this week and I had Husband check him out on Monday. As Husband is getting ready to look in his ears, he asks D-Man what he likes to keep in his ears. To which D-Man nonchalantly replied, "I keep boogers in there."
Gross, D-Man, so very gross. That's what Husband gets for asking I guess.
3. As Husband, D-Man and I were having some family time laying in bed the other night watching a movie, D-Man tried to reach for something on the floor. As he leaned over to grab whatever it was on the floor, he said to Husband, "Grab my fluffy tail so I don't fall, Daddy."
I hope you all have a blessed weekend! And apparently me and Mr. Linky do not see eye to eye, so if you have a Forget-me-Not Friday post as well, leave the link in the comments so that we can all go and visit!
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
Posted by
12:08 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
I thought that in the middle of this interesting economy, I might help all of you out there with your menu planning a bit. Here's a recipe that tastes good, makes a lot and can be made and frozen.
Chicken Enchiladas
2-3 cups of shredded chicken (canned or freshly cooked)
1 pkg of cream cheese (I use fat free)
1 can green chilies
Combine the above in a pan and heat until cream cheese is melted.
Put a spoonful of the mixture into a tortilla shell (I use flour) and roll up, placing the rolled part face down in a 9 x 13 pan. Once you have all the enchiladas in the pan, top with a can of green chile enchilada sauce and shredded monterey jack (or cheese of your choice). Bake at 350 until cheese is melted and bubbly.
I normally serve with a salad and some salsa on the side and we are good to go! Hope this helps your menu planning...you can always have me over if you make it (which will help my menu planning.)
**Updated to add that green chilies are not hot and I give them to D-Man and they don't bother him.**
Posted by
12:14 AM
Labels: Recipes
Posted by
12:02 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Well....that lucky winner would be...are you waiting on the edge of your seats....do you want to know...should I tell you?
Oh, alright. The winner of the beautiful scroll pendant is Jennifer A. Congrats Jennifer (I'll be e-mailing you with the details!) I know that you are going to enjoy this neat piece of jewelry.
Thanks everyone for entering and remember that you still have a chance to get you some of this great jewelry by visiting Shannon's Initial Outfitters site. Then just e-mail her with your order and she can take care of it for you. Order it by Friday to take advantage of some great February specials (you can see the specials here!)
Posted by
8:06 PM
Labels: Giveaways
On Friday, I hadn't taken my insanity pill and agreed to keep 5 boys at my house.
And the crazy thing is, I would do it all again in a heartbeat...but maybe with a little less sugar and lots more sunshine OUTSIDE.
Posted by
12:34 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Family
I'm going to Liz's house because it is going to be smelling good courtesy of Adair Ya Very Fine Candles and Gifts!
Congrats Liz...I'll be e-mailing you the contact info to claim your prize.
Thanks everyone for entering! I wish you could all be winners.
Remember, I have a giveaway still going for a great scroll pendant. Check it out!
Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: Giveaways
Ever have those weeks when you want so bad to remember everything, but can't. Weeks that you should have written things down as to not forget, but you didn't.
Thankfully, it's not been that kind of week for me.
I've got some "Forget-me-Not's" that are too cute not t0 share.
1. Many months ago, I had an accident. It involved the lawnmower. Anyway, it's been warm here in Arkansas this week, so warm in fact that the rye grass Husband planted last fall has gone crazy. That meant, yes, you guessed it, the lawnmower needed to come out. D-Man was watching as I mowed the yard (from a very safe distance) and after I shut it off, he ran over and said, "Don't be scared, Mom, I'll save you." Wonder what he meant???
2. My brother, J-Boy, D-Man and I were scanning the aisles today at Target. As we passed by some toys, D-Man responded, "That's incredible."
3. D-Man got the movie "Space Buddies" this week. He has watched it a few (hundred) times...or so it seems. I had been working out on Tuesday and he came into where I was with a single tear rolling down his cheek. I asked him what was wrong and he said (while wiping furiously at his cheeks) "I've got to get these tears away." He asked me if I would rewind the movie for him so that he could see his favorite part. Just moments after rewinding, B called and as we were talking I could hear D-Man sobbing...not crying...sobbing. He was so happy that the dog got reunited with his owner that he cried over it...several times. B suggested I get him a pet, I said, "No."
That's all I've got today. If you've got a post about your "Forget-me-Nots" please leave a comment and let us know so that we can read them. I hope to have a Mr. Linky up next week so you can link your posts up!
Have a blessed weekend! Don't forget me!
Posted by
12:41 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
After hosting a giveaway yesterday (yes, you still have until Friday at 5 pm to sign up), I had a friend contact me to see if she could host a giveaway as well.
Posted by
12:54 AM
Labels: Giveaways
I was at my sister, A-Girl's, house on Monday and she had some really yummy candles out. I inquired as to what kind they were because I am such a candle person and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that someone in our area makes the candles.
Posted by
12:42 AM
Labels: Giveaways
Oh my goodness gracious, my bloggy friends. I have spring fever so bad and it is only the middle of February. Anyone else have the same feelings?
I need the grass to turn green, the trees to bud out and flowers to start blooming. I need warmer temperatures and sun-filled days. I need my windows cleaned and the cobwebs knocked down. I need my car detailed and the deck stained.
This time of the year, I'm always wanting the next season to approach quickly, yet I know that God's season of change is not yet upon us. And so I wait...most of the time not patiently, but I wait nonetheless.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Ok, so the research team here at By His Grace (aka me) would like you to answer yet another question or two.
How many blogs (on average) do you read daily? Are you one who leaves comments or a you (what they call in the blog world) a lurker? What are your favorite blogs to read?
I'm working on updating my blogroll and wanted to hear from all of you some suggestions. I'm also working on answering the great questions (from all 3 of you who loved me enough to ask questions...or maybe you felt sorry for me) that you guys submitted. Stay tuned to those answers and for the love of my sanity, please leave me a comment and answer my questions.
Thank you...have a good day!
Posted by
12:58 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
There's something new going on here at By His Grace. This week will be my kick-off for a new series I want to have each and every Friday. It's called "Forget-me-Not Fridays" and will feature those things from the week that I hear that are just too good not to share with all of you.
It may be something that D-Man has said, something profound that I've heard on television, or something eye-opening that I read in God's word. And, the great thing is, I want all of you to participate. Starting next week, I'll have a Mr. Linky at the end of the post for each of you to link up your "Forget-me-Not Friday's" to my original weekly post. Participate every week, once a month or whenever you feel like it.
I'll kick off this week with the following "forget-me-nots."
1.) D-Man told me this week that he would find something to make me comfortable since I was scared of some bears on a tv show. He brought me a wicker basket...not really sure what he wanted me to do with it, but he brought it to me nonetheless.
2.) When D-Man marries his 3 year old true love, they are going to move to Little Rock, live at college and graduate. At graduation, they will get a graduation book.
3.) According to D-Man, if you run into the wall and hurt your toe, it will "hurt like the dickens."
So, be thinking this week about those things you don't want to forget and come back next week for another addition of "Forget-me-Not" Fridays.
Posted by
12:07 AM
Labels: Forget-me-Not Fridays
That's what I've got today.
I don't know why I am getting so many "blogger" blocks lately.
Things are busy...I've got stuff to blog about, but I can't find the words to make it blog-worthy or at least readable.
So, instead...you get words...on a page...that take up space.
And I'll turn the tables back on you. Ask me a question. Ask me as many questions as you want. I'll try to answer them in the coming weeks.
Don't be shy. You know that you want to know what kind of shampoo that I use or where I get my size 6 1/2 shoes. Or how I fold my laundry...you know, the important stuff.
So, ask away! I can't wait to see what I've got to answer. Happy Wednesday!!
Posted by
12:25 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Valentine's Day is fast approaching, ya'll.
And so the question for today is, what do you think about the holiday?
Do you prefer flowers, candy and cards?
Or, are practical gifts more your style?
My inquiring mind wants to know. Please tell.
That's all. Come back tomorrow. Hopefully there will be something with more substance then.
Posted by
12:47 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Holidays
Let me preface today's post by stating for the record that I am in fact NOT, I repeat, NOT pregnant. This topic has come to mind because several people I know are pregnant and I am curious about something.
When you were pregnant with your children, how did you determine what you were going to name the baby? Did you choose family names because you had to or because you wanted to? Were there disagreements about what name would be chosen? Know that you've named your child, does the name fit? If you were going to have a child today, are there any names out there that stand out?
Please, tell all. I know this is an interesting question and post for Monday...but very inquiring minds (or just one mind because that's probably the number of readers I have at this point) want to know.
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
This song is permanently embedded into my brain and I am hearing and singing it all day long. Even when D-Man isn't with me (oh that is bad!)
This is D-Man's movie of the moment and if he was given the opportunity he would watch it NON-STOP! Notice I said "if given the opportunity"...the opportunity is very limited around the D-House.
Here's hoping that you can't fight the feeling either! Happy Friday!
Posted by
12:16 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
You are in for a real treat today. Well, not really.
I have nothing of importance to tell you today other than some more of (speaking in a loud, booming voice) "AMY'S RANDOMNESS."
Yes, aren't you so lucky?
You could stop reading now, if you wanted to.
But, then you might not learn any new strange or stranger things about me.
Here goes...
1. Husband is driving me bananas tonight. He is sitting next to me, catching up on paperwork, listening to music on his MP3 player and tapping his foot. Why does he need to tap his foot? Right next to me? So that all I can think about is his tapping foot? MEN!!!!!!
2. I don't think I could be a preschool teacher after helping at church in AWANAS each Wednesday night in the preschool division. Enough said.
3. The foot tapping has stopped. YES!!!!
4. Have I mentioned that I am slightly OCD and completely type A?
5. Number 4 would probably explain #1 and #3.
6. Is it me, or does anyone else feel like they are in hibernation mode? This cold weather does nothing positive for my waistline.
7. I really don't have a number 7, but felt I couldn't stop yet.
8. I need prayers today...I am completely serious. Today is a sad day of remembrance for me and your prayers are greatly appreciated.
9. Baby Harper is going home today! What a wonderful, miraculous Healer God is!
10. There's not really a number 10, but I felt it was a good number to end on.
Happy Thursday!
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, My Faith
For me, decorating is not something that comes easy. I love to do it, but more often than not, it takes me several tries before I get something that looks remotely eye-pleasing.
Posted by
12:39 AM
Labels: Works-for-me Wednesday
And can I just tell you that I couldn't put it down. I loved every last page. It was intriguing, jaw-dropping, stretch you mind kind of reading. And, my favorite part is that it is Christian fiction.
The plot centers around two main characters, Catherine O'Rourke (newspaper reporter) and Quinn Newburg (Las Vegas attorney). Catherine hires Quinn to serve as her attorney after she is thrown in prison on suspicion that she committed several horrible murders. The suspicion arises because of the "visions" she has which tell unknown secrets about the murders.
Was it really her? Is she legally insane? Will she go free? You must read it to find out. Oh, and let me know what you think about it.
Posted by
12:15 AM
Labels: Titles on Tuesday
The Ice Storm of 2009 has been ever present on televisions around the state for almost a week now. It is hard to think at this time last week, we were wondering what kind of weather the storm system would bring, and now we've had our answer.
Our area did not get hit very hard (even though our kids missed 2 days of school). Northwest Arkansas (NWA) was another story. Trees down, ice everywhere, power out...you name it, they had it. My best friend in the world, B, and her family got hit very hard. Their neighborhood was one of the hardest if not the hardest hit in the Fayetteville area.
They lost power on Tuesday and hunkered down in the living room/kitchen area of their home to wait out the storm. As the minutes turned into hours turned into days, their house got colder and colder despite the constant fire they had burning. Relief came on Thursday when they were blessed with a generator and have since been keeping warm.
All the talks that the two of us have had since the storm hit have really caused my mind to wander and think about life and how in an instant things change.
One minute life rolls along smoothly and the next it is taking the biggest bumps imaginable. One minute everyone is happy and the very next, all might be sad. One minute there is heat, electricity and all the comforts of today's America and the next minute they are gone.
And so I ponder these things and think about what I am learning from these life changes. What is God teaching me, what is he telling me, what do I need to be hearing. And I've come to the same conclusion every time. It's what B and I talk about in almost every conversation that we have.
God is our provider, He is our shoulder, He is our refuge, He is our strength. It is He who will get us through any happy place or any struggle. He's constant during the changes...we can be so thankful for that.
"The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise Him, my Father's God, and I will exalt Him." Exodus 15:2.
Posted by
12:57 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, My Faith
The cold weather that we've been having means that I've been eating way too many of these...And not enough of these....
Posted by
12:00 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
We've had some weather here in Arkansas this week in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet and snow. Many are without power and have been without power for several days.
Posted by
12:06 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Husband