Monday, September 24, 2007

Just one more reason...

Last night, after church in the small town where my family and I live, I needed to make the dreaded "quick" trip to the local grocery store. The Husband and Son agreed to accompany me on this trip. Immediately after entering the store, I quickly remembered why Husband was usually banished from the grocery store with me. After doing the "twist" in the produce aisle, racing through the frozen food section and picking up several bottles of unnecessary Tide, we made it out alive and with few scars. We also made it out with a little bit of my sanity left which has now etched in my mind that Husband, Son, Wife/Mom, Grocery Store cannot ever be said in the same sentence again.


Anonymous said...

At least he didn't decide to play football with the produce and/or frozen foods as OTHER husbands have been known to do....

Anonymous said...

I think you should take 4 children to the grocery store,every week,for the FULL shopping experience!! But,oh,what memories!

Anonymous said...

As an anonymous passerby, I would like to point out that it was the 2 year (not the husband) dancing, etc.


Concerned Citizen