Monday, November 3, 2008

There's Been a Little Problem...

I know I should be eating this...
But all I can think about is eating this (actually, all of these).

Thank goodness Halloween is only here one day a year. I've convinced myself that the store doesn't sell candy any other time of year. I hoping it helps. Wish me luck!


Jules from "The Roost" said...

Hey! I have the same problem over here! :)

Christie said...

I have been in a sugar induced coma since Thursday! We trick or treated a day early here because of high school football games. You can definitely tell I live in the South - Football trumps a holiday! :)

Queen B said...

You are not alone.

Sarah said...

Isn't it horrible? I feel like I "need" to eat some of the candy so that my kids don't eat all of it.

Why doesn't the garbage can call louder?!