Monday, March 30, 2009

Making the Heart Fonder

Last week, The Queen B was gone on a mission trip to Guatemala.

Now, most of you know or have learned through reading my blog that she is my BEST friend in the world (she might not want to admit that she knows me sometimes, but I claim her everyday of the week.)

And last week, that lifeline, that friend, that confidant was out of reach. And it was very hard. Knowing that I couldn't just pick up the phone and talk, or send an e-mail and get a pretty immediate reply made things weird.

But, it made me appreciate her more. And I'm happy to report that on Saturday, I got to talk to her!

She has some amazing stories to report on her trip to Guatemala. God used her, He taught her, He guided her...and you must read allow about it. May you be blessed by what she has to say and the faith and obedience that she had to follow God's will for her life. Be blessed today.