This past weekend, my family and I (mom, dad, siblings minus one and their families) spent a weekend in the beautiful Ozark Mountains to celebrate the yearly occurrence of my mom's birthday.
For those of you who don't recall, I am the oldest of 5 and have 4 nephews and 1 niece. All of my siblings are married except my youngest brother who is 11. If you add all that together, divide by 62, add 57, subtract 40 and multiply by 1, you should come out somewhere in the ballpark of 17 total people.
Therefore, one would assume if we all went (minus my brother and his family who total 5 people), one would arrive at the number 12. That's right, folks, 12 people in one house for two nights. And what a grand time it was!
If one was looking in on us in the beautiful home we stayed in, you might see my niece, J-Girl, dancing 427 times (as we sang 427 times) to the old grade school tune, "Ms. Mary Mack." You might also see D-Man running around in only a pull-up (yes, that's right, still a pull-up...boot camp isn't going so well). And you would definitely see some NCAA basketball being broadcast on 2 out of the 3 TVs in the house.
Lots of cooking went is much easier and a lot calmer and happier if we cook at the house rather than take the kids to a restaurant and have them fed in a timely manner.
Kids + hunger + long wait = Frazzled parents
Laughter could be heard as the boys filled up the jacuzzi tub and splashed around in really cold water because we all the hot water had been consumed.
And, lots of shopping was done by all the women of the house as we laughed and talked and perused the stores of one of our favorite outlet malls.
What memories we made, what fun we had and what weight I gained!
I can't wait for next year!
Monday, March 31, 2008
From our front porch looking in
Posted by
8:16 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Cultural Diva
My mother-in-law and I recently started a book club here in our rural, Arkansas town. The book club is part of the Women's ministry at our church with our goal being to bring women together to fellowship and discuss the ins and outs of popular fiction novels written by Christian authors.
How's that for a mission statement? I just made it up. Like right now. As I'm typing. You must all be so impressed.
I digress, sorry. After our second meeting, I'm walking a group of women to the front door, thanking them for attending and wishing them "happy reading" of our latest book. One of the women, turned to me and said, "Thank you for bringing culture to our town." To which I replied, "I'm the most southern girl you know. I was born and raised here. And I'm bringing culture home?"
Apparently so.
Apparently the 11 years we lived away was time enough for me to collect a lot of culture and then return it to my the form of a book club.
I can see the headlines now, Hometown Girl and Her Sidekick Mom-in-Law Taking Their Town By a Cultural Storm.
That's all I've got...Enjoy your weekend!
Posted by
8:27 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Lessons may be in order
D-Man has decided that 2 1/2 is the proper age to start shaving. Forget the fact that he has NO FACIAL HAIR; in his eyes, shaving is a must.
Unfortunately, I think that he may have missed the mark a bit with the shaving cream. Apparently, he thinks he must shave his chest as well as his face. Or maybe he thinks his cute double-chin goes down on his tummy.
Either way, I think Daddy may have to teach him a thing or two, don't you?
Posted by
7:26 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
A Table Runner that Works-for-Me
Today's Works-for-Me Wednesday tip that I'm offering is one that I use often because it save me a lot of headache and is fairly inexpensive. I love having something bright and cheery on my table and often times have a tough time finding a table runner that fits my needs.
So, I made my own with some of my favorite placemats. I take 2 placemats and lay them in the center of the table and place the centerpiece on top of them and presto, a completed table is before me. It makes my life so much easier!
Here's a picture to show you an example. The placemats that I'm using here are actually 2-sided and I used the other side for my Easter table.
What do you think? For other great tips that for others, check out Rocks in my Dryer.
Posted by
7:10 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Titles on Tuesday
Need some laughter? A little bit of "girl" time? Well, my bloggy friends have I got a book for you. Today's Titles on Tuesday selection is called Hot Tropics & Cold Feet by Diann Hunt.
Posted by
7:44 AM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Silky smooth or stubbly rough?
Ok bloggy friends...last week's tanning question has sparked me to write about yet another mind-boggling, put-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seats topic.
Are you ready?
Do you think you can handle it?
Is the suspense killing you?
Well, my friends, inquiring minds want to know which razor you recommend to create silky, smooth legs? Is there a favorite shave gel or cream that you have to have for each shave or is your husband's shaving cream good enough for you?
I for one prefer Skintimate shave gel along with a Schick Intuition razor. But, I've been known to use whatever I can get my hands on.
So, what's your favorite? Please speak out and let us know so that our legs might be on top of their game each day!
Posted by
7:26 AM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friends, we have a winner!
Oh my...what a great giveaway week! Thanks so much for entering the drawing for the monogrammed button necklace! I'm sorry it has taken a bit to get a winner decided, but wait no longer because Rachel you are the winner!
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:7
Timestamp: 2008-03-22 19:32:18 UTC
I'll be contacting you with all the info on how to get that cute necklace shipped to you as soon as possible!
Thanks again for visiting my site and please come back anytime to chat!
Posted by
2:33 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
He lives, He lives!
The above represents so much to me. Christ bore our sins on that cross and gave us the ultimate gift in return, the promise of eternal life in Heaven. As we draw closer to the Easter holiday, I ask you to pause a moment, reflect on what the cross means in your life and rejoice that Christ did not lie in the tomb, instead He arose and resides in Heaven waiting for us!
I hope each of you has a blessed Easter holiday and you begin next week refreshed and renewed because you know and believe that HE LIVES!
Posted by
8:44 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
In a bottle? In a bed? You tell me
Spring is fast approaching, cute spring and summer clothes are being displayed and the legs are waiting to be revealed.
But wait a minute, the legs are white. And by white, I don't mean off-white or creamy or light beige. I mean white, as in the color of snow.
What is a girl to do with these white legs? Decisions, decisions!
I for one really feel better with a little color on my body. It boosts my self-confidence. Makes the cellulite a little less noticeable. Creates an illusion.
I actually decided to catch a few rays via a bed last Saturday. My sister-in-law owns a salon and I had been in there to have the eyebrows and lip waxed, get a facial and stock up on some make-up and face products. And, while there I decided to take the plunge...and not tell husband. I was about to get some color. Oh yes I was...
The hour of pampering had gone great and I was enjoying my 7 minutes of warmth (because this bod needs to work up to the 20 minutes in the sun). I finished up, got dressed and stepped foot back into the main salon and I met face-to-face by none other than Husband and D-Man.
Can someone say, busted?
I proceeded to fess up (because my sweet sister-in-law had just told him I would be out in 7 minutes) and he asked if I would use him for medical advice when I was diagnosed with skin cancer? Talk about bursting my bubble...I was only trying to look a little better!
Anyway, I my question out there for all of you today is what you do to achieve that glowing color in the summer. Is there a self-tanner or lotion that you like or a tanning method that you prefer?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Posted by
6:45 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I love water.
Pool water.
Ocean water.
Bottled water.
Bath water.
Clean water.
I love it all.
Except when it is in the form of a bazillion inches of rain. In just 1 day.
That's what we have experienced here over the last 36 hours. The rain came, but has not left and they are forecasting that it won't be gone until noontime today.
We live on the top of a hill and even I'm worried that we might wash away. Wash away, people. From the top of a hill. Because of so much rain.
Not much else to report except that my hair looks mighty nice (because of all the rain) and did I mention that it STILL raining?
Got an umbrella?
Posted by
8:18 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Titles on Tuesday: Another Kids Edition
With Easter being this Sunday, I thought I would share with you a new Easter book that D-Man got from his NaNa RAD on Saturday. It is called Here Comes Peter Cottontail! by Steven Nelson and Jack Rollins.
Posted by
7:49 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Rain, rain, go away because I have another giveaway!
Oh my bloggy friends, do I have a neat giveaway for you! I've been waiting for several weeks to unveil this springy giveaway and the day is finally here!
Southern Comforts Monogramming and Gifts is a fun website I came across a few weeks ago. Their goal is very simple, providing extra special gifts for the special people in your life. They offer a wide variety of fun monogrammed items!
The giveaway today is for a monogrammed button necklace. Go check out the necklace here and then the fabric options here. Come back and leave a comment telling me which is your favorite (it doesn't have to be the one that you'll choose if you win). I'll randomly select a number after the contest ends at 5 pm cst on Friday. Only one entry per person, please! You don't have to have a blog in order to enter, simply leave a comment and make sure to leave a way for me to contact you should you win!
Happy Spring!
Posted by
7:54 AM
Friday, March 14, 2008
Traces of old, Beginning of new
Everywhere I look around me, things are changing. New grasses and plants are popping up searching for some spring sunshine and rain to help them flourish into the summer. Trees are budding and readying themselves for their big debut, the day when they reveal their new self to the world.
Posted by
7:51 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What would he think if I added butter?
D-Man and I were having a mom and son moment a few nights ago. He was sitting in my lap facing me. He told me that he needed to check my eyes.
As he began touching my closed eyelids, he asked for a "washclof."
To which I replied, "What do you need a washcloth for."
And he said, "To get off the syrup and pancakes you have on your eyes."
So, any thoughts on what he meant?
Is my mascara too thick?
Does he not like my eyeshadow shade?
Is he secretly craving pancakes and syrup?
Leave it to a 2 year old to call you out on something, huh?
Posted by
7:20 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Works for Me: Child's Closet Organization
Today's Works-for-me Wednesday tip is one I'm sure many of you already know about. It is an expensive but space-saving closet organization tip.
Posted by
7:29 AM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Titles on Tuesday: Kids Edition
Today's Titles on Tuesday selection is one that D-Man received from a very special friend of ours, the Princess. It was her book when she was younger and she thought D-Man would much enjoy it. Princess, you were right, D-Man love, love, loves this book!
Posted by
8:17 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Let him show us how it's done
D-Man has been begging to show us the proper way to snowboard in the Arkansas snow. I told him there aren't many out there who will be snowboarding on the slopes in Arkansas, but he insisted, so here goes.
In order to have your body ready for the actual snowboard debut, D-Man recommends some light squats.
Next, get your arms ready with snowballs...throw them at your mother.
You might also observe a "professional" snowboarder in hopes of learning a few tricks of the trade.
Finally, D-Man suggests just taking the plunge...jumping in feet first...not wasting anytime.
And when the day is done, have your mom make you some hot chocolate...with lots of marshmallows of course. Oh, and some chocolate chip cookies are always nice too!
**D-Man will be releasing his snowboarding how to video called D and His Board soon, so pre-order today!**
Posted by
7:42 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
I'm having a party and I'm glad that you came!
Welcome to my party! I'm so glad that you came! Thanks to 5 Minutes for Mom for hosting such a fun event!
Posted by
7:14 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Snowing at our house
On Tuesday, we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow covering everything in sight. Several inches had fallen during the night surprising us (in March nonetheless) with a winter wonderland.

Posted by
8:02 AM
Backwards Works-for-me
Today over at Rocks In My Dryer is the Backwards Edition of Works-for-me Wednesday where I ask a question and hope to gain many insightful answers.
Posted by
7:10 AM
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Titles on Tuesday: Book Club Selection
Today's Titles on Tuesday is the first selection that we read for our new book club. It is called On Every Side by Karen Kingsbury. And ohmyword is it ever good!
Posted by
7:38 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Yes, He is everything we need
D-Man and I were dancing around the living room on Sunday evening to the music from last summer's VBS (Vacation Bible School). My heart was filled with so much gladness as I heard him singing the words and praising Jesus for all that He is. He calls this music his "Jesus" music meaning it in the sweetest, most innocent way. And I am humbled by the love he displays for Jesus.
At even the young age of 2 1/2, he has a grasp on what it means to pray for those we love. What a wonderful feeling as a parent to hear the sweet prayers of our little ones.I spoke with my mom on the phone this evening and she told me she had been feeling ill. D-Man is in the phase where he always wants to know "who's that" when I get off the phone. After this particular conversation, I told him it was NaNa Lu and that her tummy had been hurting. He immediately closed his eyes and said (and I quote), "God thank you for NaNa, make her feel better. Amen" How wonderful!
How important our job is here on this earth to bring our kids up in Godly homes and raise them by Godly premises. The singlemost important thing I can teach him I was reminded of as we listened and danced to the music tonight.
God is EVERYTHING that we need. If we are suffering, if we are joyful, if we are trouble, He is the miracle that gets us through. It is by Him that we are who we are and will be what we will be.
I challenge each of you teach your children, your grandchildren or someone you know that God is all that we need in life. Without Him nothing is possible, but with Him ALL things are possible.
And praise His name for being who He is!
Posted by
8:29 AM