Wow! Another year is drawing to a close. Just seems like we began 2007 and now in a few short hours, we will be ringing in a brand new year.
Some of us will actually see the first minutes of 2008 and others (like myself) will dream about it from the comfort of our beds.
However you bring in the new year, I challenge you to take a moment and reflect on the trials, tribulations, joys and sorrows of 2007 and remember how they've shaped you in to who you are today.
I'm resolving this year to dissolve my New Year's resolutions.
Who really keeps them completely anyway? It's kind-of like when my Dad paid me $10 to stop biting my fingernails ($1 for each finger) and after I got my money, I returned immediately to biting my fingernails (this was back in elementary school).
Or how I resolved in college to not procrastinate on studying so much only to find out that spring semester that I procrastinated more than ever.
Truth be told, I'm not very good about keeping those kind of resolutions. Instead, I'm going to focus on my God, my health, my family and my friends this 2008 and resolve to be better for them.
Oh wait...was that a resolution?
Happy New Year everyone!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Dissolving the Resolves
Posted by
8:35 AM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Can we roast hot dogs on it, mommy?
Well, the fun times of the winter season are upon us. The air is chilly, my hibernating extincts are setting in and the perpetual cough/runny nose has settled in my little D-Man.
Husband says not to worry (I have him listen to D-Man's chest almost hourly) that it is normal for kids to have a cough/runny nose and so we continue the nightly ritual of Claritin.
But, this mama has some other weapons in her arsenal that she decided to pull out last night...The Humidifier. I put it in D-Man's room before he went to bed, so he didn't see it. But, rest assured that he saw the smoke billowing this morning.
The first thing he asked when I went in to get him is the obvious 2 year old question, "Whas' that, mommy?"
To which I replied, "That's a humidifier, baby. It helps your cough."
To which he later told Husband, "Thats a 'fier daddy. It helps my cough."
Fier...Humidifier...tomato...tomato (as in the ma in mama)...who's to say how it is really said.
Let's just hope D-Man doesn't start roasting marshmallows or making smores over the 'fier. Then we'd have problems.
Posted by
8:40 AM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Trusting in Him
For many weeks now, the main CD that D-Man has wanted to listen to in the car is one that was given to him by one of his sweet little friends for his 1st birthday. It is the Max Lucado series featuring Hermie and friends. The particular one that we have is about obeying the rules, R-U-L-E-S, rules...oh my...been listening a bit too much.
Anyway, the basis of this CD series is to teach kids scripture through songs. It uses catchy music so that memorization of the book, verse number and actual verse come easier.
D-Man has a particular favorite that he asks for each time we get in the car. It is number 2 on the CD and he can sing almost every word to it. It comes from Proverbs 3, verses 5-6. The NIV version of these verses reads as follows:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in
all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
I cannot begin to tell you how happy it makes a mama feel when I hear my sweet 2 1/2 year old singing about trusting in God.
Isn't this what we all need to remember? Trusting in God in EVERYTHING that we do knowing that he will do what is best for us?
Hard to do, I know. I'm probably the world's worst about not trusting in him and holding on to my problems, anxieties and fears in hopes that I can make them ok. But, in reality, I can't. These things are far bigger than I and can only be solved by God.
Just like a child trusts his parents to keep them safe, feed them and make them happy, so our Father wants us to trust him.
Thank you, D-Man for singing these sweet words and helping mommy to remember daily to trust Him.
Posted by
8:26 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Veggies Anyone?
Ok, so I admit, I just couldn't stay away for more than one day. I need to feel connected with all 2 of you who read my blog and so I'm back today, the day after Christmas, to catch up on what's going on in the world.

Posted by
7:31 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
And to all a goodnight (for a few days)...
Posted by
7:57 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Please excuse the spacing craziness
There is an actual post below for Friday, but due to spacing issues with Blogger, I'm having trouble getting it to look right.
Please READ ON!
Posted by
9:35 AM
Holiday Yumminess
So today I thought I would help all of you out who might be struggling with the perfect dessert to take to the holiday celebration. I'm revealing two of my favorite sweet treats one of which I make EVERY year to appease my enormous family. It is a given every year that I will be making these and making them in mass quantities.
The first is one I picked up at a cookie exchange a few years ago is as follows:
Doesn't this sound yummy and sinful and too good to be true?
The second recipe is the one that I make every year for my family. The recipe is as follows:
Posted by
8:33 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Handmade with Love
A couple of Sunday's ago, Husband and I went to pick D-Man up from Sunday School. I always love to pick him up because the smile he gives when he sees up would make even the most gray sky blue. He loves his friends and teachers, but he really loves his Mommy and Daddy.

Posted by
8:19 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Walking Away the Pounds this Wednesday
My entry for today's Works-for-me Wednesday is how I walk/jog away the pounds (or try to). A year or more ago, my best friend The Queen B ordered the "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD series by Leslie Sansone. There was a DVD in the collection called Walk/Jog. The Queen B knew that with me having a young child, getting outside to exercise was sometimes difficult, so she has been lending me (yes, I still have and told her just this past weekend that I would give it back whenever she needs it) the Walk/Jog video.
It is a 30 minute tape that combines walking and jogging and in the time it takes to complete the DVD, you have traveled 2.5 miles in the comfort of your own home. Now, I am a runner by heart (I've completed 2 half-marathons in the past 3 years) and so I change the routine up a bit and add more jogging than needed. I even used this video during this time last year as I trained for a half marathon.
I would definetly recommend it to anyone who wants to exercise during the winter (and even in the warmer months when the weather doesn't cooperate outside). It keeps me feeling better about myself (especially after I eat that 2nd piece of pecan pie during the holidays).
For more great tips, check out the posts at Rocks-in-my Dryer.
Posted by
7:05 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Titles on Tuesday: The True Story of Christmas
Today's Titles on Tuesday book is called The True Story of Christmas and was written by Nell Navillus, illustrated by Allan Eitzen. I purchased this book this year to add to our Christmas traditions. With D-Man now 2 and able to understand even more the true meaning of Christmas, I found this book to be an easy read to my 2 year old while still depicting the true reason we celebrate the season.
Posted by
8:24 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Tour of My Home

Isn't it just lovely?
Next, pretend I have opened the door for you (and greeted you with a season's worth of happiness and joy) and the first thing you see are these four cute nesting boxes that convey the reason for the season so well: PEACE, HOPE, LOVE, & JOY.
The nesting boxes sit next to our entry table which is decorated with a festive bowl of red & green Christmas balls.
To the right of the entry table, you will see one of three trees inside our house. It is our "Santa" tree. Husband and I were married 8 1/2 years ago and I have been collecting Santa ornaments since we were married and I've finally collected enough to make a 7 1/2 foot tree not look bare. K also helped decorate this tree complete with candy cane drops, beautiful red berries and real feathers. I've highlighted the top of the tree so that you can check out all the coolness that Mrs. K added.

Now, you've fully entered the living room and can smell this candle in Canelle. Although it is not designed to be a Christmas scent, it has the perfect blend of sweetness and spice and goes great this time of year. You might also smell this or this on any given day as I do love me some good smelling candles.
You might also hear the Christmas sounds of this group filling the air. They hold a special place in my Husband's family's heart because they have known this group personally for many years. How wonderful it is to sing praises to Jesus Christ this time of year and they really get me to singing (although singing might not be the best word to describe what comes out of my mouth).
Our living room is filled with the sights of Christmas. We have 2 nativity scenes proudly displaying the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We want this to always remain the focus in our house of what the Christmas season really means.
This one Husband and I bought the first year we were married. We were seniors in college at the time and didn't have a lot of money for elaborate decorations, but somehow this has come to mean so much to us.

This plate is a new addition I added this year from a local shop here in our town. I really appreciate the message it displays.

Next you will see the 2nd of our three Christmas trees which has also been decorated by K. It bursts with my favorite Christmas colors of red, gold and green and comes alive with a wonderful topper that K whipped up.

And here are our stockings purchased and monogrammed here.
D-Man also has a nativity set in his playroom. It is one of these complete with this set. His NaNa RAD and PaPa Doc gave it to him for his first Christmas. Just the other day, Husband and I were picking up the house after D-Man went to bed (Yes, believe it or not, Husband is a huge help to me).

D-Man also has his own little Christmas tree in his playroom and he loves having it turned on each morning to enjoy all day.
I also liked to feel like I drink fancy hot cocoa sometimes (even though I really don't) and so I found this cute little red tray this year and added some Santa mugs that I had gotten last year after Christmas and paired them with some fun, fancy hot cocoa. If you come to my house, I'll probably not break open the fancy stuff because then I'd have to buy more (it wasn't cheap).
I also have a fun fruit bowl (yes, those are my stash of red and green M&Ms in the fruit bowl), my Knoxville trip plate that I found at Crackerbarrel (did I tell you that there are 332 Crackerbarrel resturants between here and Knoxville)along with a few more cute mugs (with cocoa in them that you can drink) and 2 fun "SNOW" canisters.
Posted by
8:46 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Is your head broken?
D-Man has learned many things from his parents in only 2 short years on this earth (some good and obviously some not so good). One of them is so darn cute, though, I can hardly contain myself. Recently, when I had a headache, he asked me if my head was broken (meaning did I have a headache). When I replied, "Yes," he immediately ran and got his Daddy's stethoscope and told me that Daddy would fix it. precious!
The doctoring by D-Man doesn't stop there. His cousin, J-Lee Girl, spent the day with us last week. And Dunn decided before she could play that she needed to be "medically cleared" for admission to his playroom. He checked her vitals (all with the stethoscope) and told her she was "all better."What, don't you get your shoulder checked with the stethoscope when you go to the doctor?
Enjoy your weekend! Be safe!
Posted by
8:55 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Rain, rain go away, let me go here to play
This is a shot from the beach in Cancun, Mexico. We took a trip there Pre-D-Man with my little sis, J-Girl. She had just graduated from high school and my husband had just graduated from medical school. It was a great time of relaxing and enjoying the beauty God has created. As we embark on day 5 of rain, I think about this and it gets me through.
Anyone going on any neat vacations/trips over the Christmas holiday?
Posted by
8:08 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Lifting a Family up in Prayer
In this busy time of year, please take a chance to remember this family as they endure the loss of a child. We know that God is the ultimate healer and comforter and we pray his will be done.
Posted by
8:56 AM
It's all in the bowl, the mixing bowl, that is
Today's Works-for-me Wednesday tip is about my favorite mixing bowls of all time. The Queen B introduced these to me in 2004 and I haven't been the same since then.
They are the Williams-Sonoma Melamine bowls. They come in a set of three in several great colors. Apparently these bowls are really popular because the internet shows that they are currently not available online. I actually purchased my bowls (I say this like they are an exclusive-to-Amy bowl) at a Williams-Sonoma store in Dallas.
They are dishwasher safe, microwave safe and Amy's-in-the-kitchen safe. They have a nice rubber ring on the bottom to keep them from sliding around on the counter and also feature a handle making it easier to utilize the pour spot featured on them.
If you see them, I would buy them because you will much enjoy them! Thanks Queen B for the great tip!
For other great Works-for-me Wednesday tips click here!
Posted by
8:51 AM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Titles on Tuesday: Christmas Cookbook
Posted by
8:25 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
The month in a nutshell
This holiday season has been made even more special for my family and I because we are living close to our family again for the first time in 8 years. Yes, that means for the first time in 8 years, we won't be packing up the car with our suitcases as well as our gifts and driving them at least 1 1/2 hours away to spend the holidays with our families. How blessed we are this year to live only a mile from both sets of our parents.
So, as I was thinking about how great it is to be close to family during such a special season and my favorite time of year, I began reflecting on what this season means to me.
There are so many traditions that come to mind that make me so happy and joyful during this season. I love to decorate the trees and sit in my living room with all the overhead lights off and bask in the illumination all those twinkling lights give off. I love to shop for the perfect gift for everyone on my list and I'm just bursting with excitement and anticipation as I wait for the day that they can open them. I love family and friends and the time that I spend with them throughout the holidays. And most importantly, I treasure the time that Husband and I get to spend with our son talking with him about the true reason for the season. "Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus" he says when asked what we will sing on Christmas morning. That one phrase coming from the mouth of a 2 year old is the best Christmas present he could give me.
My friend, A-Mac, sent me an e-mail story recently that really sums it all up for me. It is called The Greatest Gift and info about the organization that sent it can be found here . If anyone would like a copy of this story e-mailed to them, contact me at The story is a bit lengthy, but bare with it. I promise you will truly treasure it.
The Greatest Gift
Once upon a time, it was almost Christmas morning as the little brown-haired girl tip-toed into the living room to "spy". Every year she "spied" and every year it was the same; a pine tree sparkling with hundreds of multi-colored twinkle lights revealing a vast display of beautiful ornaments. Some ornaments were soon-to-be collectibles purchased from the local card store and others were handmade by family members; tiny treasures passed down for many years and although worn and even tarnished, held great value to the family.
The sleepy-eyed little girl took a minute to find her favorite ornament and remembered putting it on the tree herself, "with great care," she would add, to make sure it didn't break. As she quietly stood there, the smell of fresh pine mixed with smoldering embers in the fireplace combined to create the wonderful and comforting smell of Christmas.
As her eyes slowly made her way down the tree, she "spied" packages of all shapes and sizes; brightly colored wrapping paper with beautiful ribbons are scattered all around just waiting to be discovered with the morning light.
Taking great care, she tip-toed through the sea of paper carefully looking at the tags to discover what surprises might await her. It was then that she noticed a package with her name on it. A small box wrapped in beautiful red wrapping paper with a small gold bow on the top and a tag that said her name! She was shocked and excited at the same time! Upon careful inspection, she saw the small words"open while spying!" A gasp caught in her throat! She had been discovered!
Curiosity getting the best of her, she carefully unwrapped the gift and slowly opened the box. Inside was a simple gold cross. She recognized it immediately as being the cross her mother wore every single day! She picked it up and held it in her hands, the metal cool in her palms. As she did, her hand brushed a letter at the bottom of the box. She picked it up, opened it and read:
My darling girl- Merry Christmas! I knew you would be up "spying" so I decided to give you this gift early! I know you already realize this is the cross I wear everyday without fail. As I have prepared for Christmas Day, I asked God to show me the "greatest gift" I could give you!
I love you so much and I want to give you everything I possibly can in life. The Lord gently reminded me what the "greatest gift" I could ever give you was and no, it is not the cross.
As you can see this necklace is old and worn. In fact, you probably don't know this, but the necklace isn't even mine. It is simply to be a reminder of the "greatest gift!"
In a few hours, you will open all of the other gifts we have for you and I know you will love each and every one of them. However, the "greatest gift" is not something that is opened and played with. The "greatest gift" I can give you my child, is to live my own life to honor God. I want to show you that loving God and remaining a faithful follower of Jesus Christ is a wonderful and sometimes painful journey, but ALWAYS worth it!
I can honestly say after receiving many packages through the years, her walk with Christ was the "greatest gift" she ever gave me and I pray that it will be the "greatest gift" you ever receive too! If you would put the necklace on and wear it everyday, it will remind me that each day I live my life following hard after God, I'm giving you the "greatest gift" I could ever give.
Now, tip-toe back off to bed and I'll see you in the morning. Love, Momma
I want to be that light for Jesus Christ. Mary in the 1st chapter of Luke says it best when she says, 46)"My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47) And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." Let's rejoice in our Saviour this Christmas season. Let's remember him in all aspects of our celebrations. And let's strive to give the greatest gift we could ever give someone by glorifying and honoring the precious name of Jesus each and everyday.
Merry Christmas Baby Jesus!
Posted by
8:25 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Soup Anyone?
So today BooMama is hosting a Soup-Tacular. What is this, you might ask? Well, it is basically a way for all of us out there to share our special soup recipes (perfect for these cold winter months) with the rest of the blogging world. I decided to participate because there is nothing better than a hot bowl of soup with fresh cornbread on the side when the weather outside is frightful...and the fire is so delightful...and since we've no place to go (sorry, sidetracked)...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Anyway, the recipe that I am sharing is a minestrone soup recipe. Earlier in the week I shared one as a Works-for-me-Wednesday post. This one that I am sharing today has a few more ingredients, but is still just as easy and d-e-e-e-licious.
1 lb ground beef or turkey (browned)
1 can rotel (for those who are unsure what this is, it is a combo of diced tomatoes and green chilies)
2 cans of ranch style beans
1 can of Campbell's minestrone soup
I combine all the above ingredients in a crock-pot and cook for a couple of hours on low so that the flavors have a chance to combine and make a yummy soup! I serve with sweet cornbread muffins (the sweet really balances out the spicy of the soup). This recipe came from my mother-in-law, RAD, and is one of my husband's favorites.
If you would like more recipes, check out BooMama's site for even more yummy tips!
Posted by
8:19 AM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Mom, is there something in my nose?
This past weekend our small, rural Arkansas town held their annual Christmas parade to kick off the holiday season. This was D-Man's first time to experience this event and what made it extra special was the fact that he got to stand between his favorite uncle, J-Man and one of his cousins, Goose-Man.
What more could a boy need? Favorite people on either side, candy being thrown your way and mom taking a bazillion pictures to capture the moment. Priceless....
So, do we think that D-Man has had too much candy or is asking for his sweet mother to dig something out?
Posted by
8:46 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Recipe that works for me in a pinch
Posted by
7:10 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Titles on Tuesday: Special Edition
Today's Titles on Tuesday edition is actually a throw back to all those wonderful Christmas special shows that we all watched as kids. As a kid, my brothers and sisters and I especially loved these shows because we only got 3 channels on our antenna-assisted tv (4 if we were lucky) and so when Christmas rolled around, there were a lot more options for us.
Anyway, a Christmas show that I find very special is the classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. It actually played on a local station on Monday night and I got to see how exciting this show was to D-Man. He made himself a pillow pallet on the floor, got his blankie and camped out for most of the evening as he savored all of Charlie Brown's Christmas spirit.
What Christmas shows do you out there hold near and dear to your heart?
Posted by
7:01 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
If looks could keep you out of the church directory...
So, my sister, A-Girl, and I were chatting a few mornings ago about her family's recent church directory photo. You know, the ones where every photo in the directory looks the same, the ones where you get a free 8 x 10 and a directory just for playing and the ones that they take those "extra" shots of you and your family in hopes that you can't tear yourself away from their computer screen before you have written a check out of your child's college fund just to have another 42 snapshots of your darling family.
Anyway, A-Girl and her family (J-Man, Goose-Man, & niece, J-Girl) all get dressed and ready for their photo shoot.
Let me preface all of this my telling you that my niece, J-Girl, has just recently started liking me, her FAVORITE aunt, the one who lovingly adores her. Let me reiterate that last statement for you, she is 18 months old and she just recently started liking me (and that is only when her mom or her NaNa aren't around). If one looks at her wrong, she might give the evil eye or burst out in tears. If one picks her up, she might burst out in tears. And, if one takes something away from her that she shouldn't have, she might give the evil eye and burst into tears. Needless to say, this photographer had his work cut out for him.
Now, don't get me wrong, J-Girl is the most adorable little thing you have ever seen. She sports a fashionable wardrobe daily and when she smiles at you, it melts your heart. But, she is a drama queen through and through.
Anyway, back to the photo shoot. They arrive and start to have their pictures taken.
Apparently, the photographer looked (yes, just looked) at J-Girl which sent her into a tearful sulk that was displayed on her face for almost all of the photos. When my sister began looking at the photos, the photographer stumbled over his words asking her first to pick her favorite one (wasn't one), then asking her to pick the best for the directory (wasn't one) and NEVER, I repeat, NEVER does he ask her which photos she wanted to purchase.
And, it wasn't just J-Girl making these photos so photogenic. Oh no, Goose-Man had a look all his own. Let's call it, the I-just-saw-a-big-brown-bear-playing-my-playstation kind of look. You know what I'm talking about. Eyes as big as saucers and about to pop out of the sockets.
So, the photographer finished up the session by asking my sister if she wanted to have the photos touched up a bit (for a cost of $20). My sister replied by saying something to the effect of she really didn't think they could touch up an entire face, the photographer agreed and they left.
A-Girl's husband commented as they left that their family photo could lead to the demise of the ENTIRE church directory.
Photoshop anyone?
Posted by
7:56 AM