Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Snowing at our house

On Tuesday, we woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow covering everything in sight. Several inches had fallen during the night surprising us (in March nonetheless) with a winter wonderland.

My little brother, J-O, and my mom came over and D-Man, J-O and myself set out to find all the adventures that waited outside for us. There were snowballs thrown, snowman building attempts and some sledding with the neighborhood kids.

This was D-Man's first "real" snow experience that he truly enjoyed. He loved throwing snowballs at me and hearing me squeal and he so loved watching Uncle J-O to see what he might do next.

We met up with some neighborhood kids who were sledding and D-Man got to try his hand at it. Unfortunately, at this point my camera had gone on cold strike and would no longer turn on and let me snap what I'm sure would have been truly amazing pictures of the festivities on the street. Because, after all, aren't all my photos truly amazing?

D-Man even tried his hand at snowboarding and really enjoyed making many sound effects as he fell after most attempts to jump on the snowboard. He even ate snow...I just advised him not to eat it if it was yellow. But then I remembered, he's stubborn and won't learn all of his colors. I'm just praying that no yellow snow was consumed!

But, lo, the time came when the maximum amount of time spent in the cold by a 2 1/2 year old was reached and we had to trek back to the warmth of the house and savor some wonderful hot chocolate (with lots of marshmallows).

We were glad for the snow day, but are so excited for spring to be around the corner.

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Queen Mother said...

It looks like the snow may be back tonight!

Jennifer said...

I right there with you...I like snow, but I'm ready for some Spring/Summer weather!!
I'm a Summer gal all the way!!!

Have a great day!

Barb said...

Speaking as someone who no longer lives in the land of snow, it looks beautiful! But I'm glad to not have any!

Heather said...

The snow is beautiful!!! My kids haven't seen snow in several years, since we rarely get it in Mississippi. However, there's a chance we may get 1-2 inches tomorrow night. We're keeping our fingers crossed! Enjoy the snow...'cause spring is just around the corner!