Well, I feel really pleased with my very first giveaway and I hope that you guys had fun reading all the fun candle comments.
The winner of the very first "By His Grace" giveaway is Marilyn (there were actually 17 comments on my post, but one was entered 2 times so I threw the second one out).
True Random Number Service
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:15
Timestamp: 2008-02-29 23:23:01 UTC
I will be e-mailing you to get you contact information so that you can begin filling your house with a wonderful new scent.
Stay tuned...a giveaway is planned around Easter...and I have a hunch you might like it.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Friday, February 29, 2008
And the winner is...
Posted by
5:19 PM
And so it begins...
The "busy" years have officially begun in the "D" house. D-Man had his first extracurricular activity yesterday...Gymnastics.
Now let me preface all this by saying this is a pretty big endeavor for old mom here because I don't just get to get in the car, drive a couple of minutes and let him take lessons. We have to get in the car, put on a movie and eat breakfast on the way because we must drive 45 minutes to make this all happen (and make it happen by 10 am.) That my bloggy friends, is a loving mommy.
Anyway, we arrived and I completed the necessary forms and paid the necessary money while D-Man "explored" his new surroundings with one of his friends and their mommy. And boy, did he ever love all the gymnastic "toys." He ran, he jumped, he ran, he ran, he jumped and he ran. Did I mention that he ran and jumped? If not, well, he ran and jumped.
But, all wasn't so rosy with D-Man when teacher instruction began because D-Man being I'm sure an abnormal 2 year old wanted it his way and only his way. I'm sure none of you with small children or those who have had small children have ever had this type of experience, one where the child exerts all the independence they ever thought they had or wanted to have at one particular moment. And this independece comes out as a few loud outbursts, some arm flailing and some dramatic faces.
None of you have ever experienced that, have you? Thought so...
Anywoo, after a brief calm down session in the bathroom, D-Man was ready to go and enjoyed all the activities of the day.
Will we go again? Oh yes!
And I will pray that all the mommies and tots there will either all be new or have developed a case of amnesia and won't remember the first time they met us. Oh, did I say that out loud?
Posted by
7:47 AM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Something old, Someone new
Posted by
7:26 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Not to toot my own horn...
Guess who is featured over at BloggedIn-News & Networking? Yes, ME!!!!!! Wow! I can't even believe it. Shera over at A Frog in My Soup e-mailed me a few days ago. She co-hosts the "Highlights" section at BloggedIn-News & Networking and asked if she could feature one of my posts in her highlights section.
I replied faster than Darren McFadden can run the 40 yard dash and told her I would be absolutely honored.
So, go here and check it out while I do my happy dance a few thousand times! And also see the post below for a new Works-for-me Wednesday recipe!
Posted by
7:29 AM
Works for me Food
Posted by
7:25 AM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Titles on Tuesday
The book begins by saying, "Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places. You're off and away."
Posted by
8:02 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
My very first giveaway!
Hello Bloggy Friends!
Today is the day. The very first giveaway hosted at this blog! Oh happy day!
After reading the smell of a certain candle in the Queen B house last week, it made me think about hosting a giveaway that smells better than the Black Cherry The Queen B had to endure.
So, I'm giving away a "citrus sorbet" ginger jar candle from Home Interiors to get you ready for spring and summer.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favorite season and candle scent (including the brand). I'll leave comments open until 5 p.m. on Friday, February 29th (leap year Friday). Only one comment per person, please. The winner will be chosen at random from the entries. If you do not have a blog account, you may still leave a comment. Just be sure and leave your e-mail address so that I can contact you if you win!
Happy Smelling!
Posted by
7:22 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Oh happy day and a soon to be giveaway!
Well, bloggy friends, it's Friday.
The day before Saturday.
The day after Thursday.
And, Husband is off again for the second weekend in a row! Woooooooooohoooooooooo!
I've told you before that Husband is in a profession that requires lots of medical knowledge. And he works many hours. Long days. Many hours. Many, many hours.
But, he's doing what God called him to do. Sit back, relax and I'll tell you his story.
Husband and I grew up in the same, rural town. We were in the same kindergarten class and shared the same group of friends. We went through all stages of growing up together, but only as friends. We began dating in the fall of our Junior year in high school and the rest as they say is history. We went to college together and married the summer before our senior year in college (another post, another time).
Our college years brought about many questions between the two of us concerning what we both wanted to do with our lives. We knew early on that marriage between the two of us was meant to be, but also knew that waiting to be married was the right thing to do. I knew right out of high school that I wanted to major in biology and minor in education so that I could some day teach high school students the ends and outs of science.
Husband, on the other hand, took a little different path. He began his college career as an Air Force ROTC freshman majoring in mechanical engineering. But, his major dislike for all things mechanical engineering soon caused a few tiffs between us and a change of heart for what he wanted to do in his life.
Seriously, it is a wonder that we stayed together that 1st semester because he was so unhappy.
Anyway, he changed his major to Pre-Veterinary medicine (and withdrew from the Air Force ROTC program because they didn't take Pre-Veterinary medicine as a major). And, oh my friends, was he ever happy! Happy, Happy, Happy! And we were so happy.
But God had other plans in mind. Plans that caused Husband to re-evaluate his life somewhere about his Sophomore year and turn toward a love of all things related to medicine of a human nature. For so long, he had run from human medicine because he wanted to do something totally different from his father, but God knew better. God knew he was suited for medicine; God knew he needed to be in medicine; And, God made Husband realize that changing his career was the answer.
Husband has told me and others that he truly believes that if he had not listened to God's calling and changed his career to follow a path of human medicine, that he believes he wouldn't be here today. WOW! What a strong statement, but a belief nonetheless.
Husband has so much faith and has taught me in the course of our journey to be completely dependent on God for the answer. Husband listened to his Father in Heaven and He didn't let him down.
So, that brings us to today. Well, maybe I've left out the 4 years of professional school that Husband excelled in and I supported him through. Oh, and maybe the 3 years of post-professional school training he did that he excelled in and I supported him through. But, all in all, we feel that God has blessed us, guided us and been true and faithful to us through it all.
And me, well, I'm where God wants me to be. Bringing up our sweet D-Man in a God-fearing home and creating a home for Husband to come home to each night.
Have a GREAT weekend and be sure and check back next week for a sweet smell in the form of a giveaway! Yippeeee!
Posted by
7:51 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The power of prayer
Husband and I have truly learned over the course of the last few weeks how strong the power of prayer is. We've recently experienced a trial in our lives that we never really expected to endure. Unfortunately, I'm not at a point where I can truly talk about the trial, but I am confident that I can talk about how the power of prayer has gotten us through.
One never really thinks about the power of prayer and how it changes our lives. When many are praying for the will of God to be done in someone's life, it can be felt. And Husband and I have definetly felt the power of prayer over the last few weeks.
I've often wondered why I get so lazy with my prayer life. How so many other things come first and get in the way? I can have a conversation with so many each day, but forget to just "talk" to my Father in Heaven. Why is this?
Feelings of inadequacy?
I'm sure they all play a role in those times when my prayer life suffers, but then God reminds me (sometimes gently, sometimes not-so-gently) that I need Him and only Him to make it through the good and the bad.
Psalm chapter 6 verse 9 says this, "The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer."
God hears our cries out for Him! Praise the Lord! He accepts our prayers and has mercy on us and lays out His will before us.
Psalm 17:6 always brings so much comfort to me as it says, "I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer."
Oh how I'm comforted by the fact that God hears me (and all of us) when we pray and I know that He will answer me in his own way. Will I agree with every outcome that I am delivered? Probably not. But, I can find comfort in believing that regardless of whether or not I agree with the outcome, God had His hand in it and it worked out according to His will.
God is so faithful and gracious and all-knowing and He knows better than we do how our lives need to play out. By praying to Him and trusting in Him and having faith in Him we can make it through anything.
Posted by
7:27 AM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Guess what time it is?
That's right, it is potty training time here in the "D" House. Aren't those cheeks so cute?
He's going to hate me in a few years for this, huh?
Oh well...it's my blog, right?
Anyway, we are embarking on this dark, scary, mystical new world. D-Man has done very well with it thus far.
We tell him that Lightning McQueen will be sad and cry if he gets wet. And this lasts for all of about oh 30 minutes if Mom and Dad fall behind on their job of racing to the bathroom every 30 minutes.
I wouldn't say that Mom (meaning me) is doing so well with it all.
Dadgummit, it takes a lot of time and patience and time and staying home and time.
I know, I sound selfish, but conquering this feat means we've reached another I'm-not-a-toddler-anymore milestone. And I'm just not ready!
Well, I take that back. I'm ready to not have to wipe his bottom anymore. And smell those awful diapers. And carry diapers in my bag. Oh, and wipe his bottom.
Ok, bloggy friends, I guess I just convinced myself that I am ready for this new adventure. Like it or not, it's coming out in the toilet. D-Man, lace up your boots and get your game face on because Mommy's not playing anymore.
I sound mean, don't I?
Check back, it could get ugly.
Posted by
7:42 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Titles on Tuesday: What do you read?
Today's Titles on Tuesday has dried up this week. I don't have a book to speak of. Instead, I'd like to ask all of you out there to recommend some books to me.
Posted by
7:23 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Yes, spandex and all
I have a love (besides Husband) (oh and chocolate).

Posted by
7:50 AM
Friday, February 15, 2008
They are much more than snakes and snails and puppy dog tails!
My day was made complete yesterday when D-Man said to me (without prompting from me or his Daddy), "Happy Balewentine's Day, Mommy!"
I hope you all had wonderful days as well. Mine with spent with my 2 favorite guys in the world and I couldn't have asked for more.
Anything fun happen for you yesterday?
Posted by
8:51 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Pink Taz
I read a post last week at Big Mama's blog about gift giving on Valentine's Day and it made my mind wonder back a few years (cue the music) and remember the gift that Husband gave me the first Valentine's we were officially a couple.
They were floating around the library for all the world to see.
But, wait, there is more.
They were accompanied by none other than this, the tasmanian devil (of the helium variety of course).

Posted by
7:20 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
For in Heaven, no tears will fall
I am comforted today in the trust that there are no tears in Heaven. Husband and I have recently been through a trial in life that has only made a strong marriage stronger, but made our faith in Christ grow exponentially.
Someday I will share the trial, but for now, words will not come out to describe it. But knowing that there are no tears in Heaven makes my heart a little more able to take the hurt.
Be comforted today and remember that:
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." Psalm 28:7
Posted by
8:01 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Stamping Away!
Recently, Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer hosted a bloggy giveaway carnival. Basically, it was a way for many bloggers out there to get there name out by hosting some type of giveaway.
Kim at Close to my Heart hosted a giveaway and low and behold, I won something! YEAH! I won a set of acrylic "party" stamps and they are oh so cute.
Thanks Kim for hosting the giveaway and picking me!
Posted by
3:13 PM
Titles on Tuesday
Good morning! Today is one of those mornings when I would love, love, love me a HUGE (did I mention HUGE) cup of hot cocoa with TONS (did I mention TONS) of marshamallows.
Posted by
7:37 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
If I had a dollar (or more)...
To all of my bloggy friends out there, let me be the first to tell you...I am so ready for Spring!!!!
Warm weather...yeah!!!!!
Pretty flowers...yipppeeeee!!!
Pedicures...you can bet I need one!!! (Husband was just standing over my shoulder reading my post and asked what pedicures have to do with spring. Obviously his toes don't get out much when the weather gets warmer).
Body that looks like a million bucks...not exactly!!!!!
But, if my body was ready for all those great spring clothes, I thought I would show you some of my favorites that are out for the spring.
First, oh how I love this cute little cardigan from Anthropologie. Pair it with this cute halter dress also from Anthropologie and oh how cute I would feel. Remember, though, I could never pull off the halter dress without the cardigan, MUST WEAR TOGETHER!
And while we are on the subject of things to cover me up with, check out this jacket from Old Navy! Isn't it too cute? Pair it with this and this and top off with these (all from Old Navy) and you have an adorable outfit with some great pieces that can be worn with so many things.
Finally, something D-Man will be sporting this spring and summer are these shorts and the ice cream shirt from CWDKids. Won't he be so cute?
What's out there for spring that you are eyeing? Point me in the direction of more cuteness.
Posted by
7:32 AM
Friday, February 8, 2008
Montage of Randomness
What a week it has been!
The "D" house has gone through some major changes and trials.
But we've made it through.
With only a few battle scars.
And a few gray hairs.
So, to commemorate this week, I would like to give you all a beautiful bouquet of flowers to enjoy today.
Well, not really give them to you, but give you a picture to enjoy. Actually two pictures.
And while we are on the subject of pictures, remember that repairman that we hired? Well, he now does office work as well.
And he can multi-task.
But we hire him anyway.
Ok, that's all the randomness I have for today.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Posted by
7:28 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Lie down and hit the button
A funny story came to mind as my mom told me she was to have a mammogram next week.
Gramma P (our neighbor before we moved) once told me that to prepare for a mammogram one should do the following:
*Lie down in your garage in a position where the mammogrammed parts lie directly under the door as it lowers.
*Next, have someone lower the door onto your mammogrammed parts.
*Raise the door.
*Repeat numerous times.
Oh my!
This is what I have to look forward to?
May I start tomorrow?
Yes, I'm joking, of course.
But, this got my thinking juices flowing.
And so I ask all of you out there, can you think of other ways to prepare for those we-shouldn't-talk-about-that procedures that will be endured later on in life?
Oh the mental pictures that come to mind!
Posted by
8:29 AM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Websites that work for me
Posted by
8:23 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Titles on Tuesday
Today's Tuesday title is a book that strives to make you become the woman of excellence God designed you to be. It is called A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. It is actually a book that has been out for several years, but one I feel is relevant at any time in our lives.
The purpose of this book is to try and help you accomplish the following:
*foster a deep committment to serve and honor your husband
*pray faithfully for your children and teach them God's word
*create a nurturing environment at home
*grow in your walk with the Lord through the love of Scripture and in discipleship
*learn to reach out to others
I read this book several years ago, but feel that I am at a point in my walk with God that I need to read it once more. I would very much recommend it to all of you out there.
Posted by
8:55 AM
Monday, February 4, 2008
Man at Work
The "D" household needs repair work done from time to time. Often times, Husband can enable his natural "fix-it" ability and get the job done.

Posted by
7:40 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
And the well has run dry
There's nothing today that I've got to say.
Many thoughts flow, but nothing to show.
So have a great weekend I pray.
Posted by
6:49 AM