Thursday, February 28, 2008

Something old, Someone new

I was looking through pictures today of the last few months. I was doing this as much to reflect on our first months in this house as to find something to post about. I happened upon this picture of D-Man coloring in his playroom (aren't Color Wonder colors and coloring books the best?) This picture was actually taken in late summer of 2007, thus the shorts he is wearing, but has so much meaning to me even today.

The table that D-Man is sitting at was actually his Nana RA and Great Aunt J's table that their Dad bought them when they were younger. D-Man is named after their father and when we named D-Man, they felt it only right to pass along the table and chairs to him. D-Man received this wonderful gift for his first birthday and after some TLC from Husband, it was ready for use.

How awesome to have this kind of treasure to talk to D-Man about in the future? It has endured many miles in it's journey and has many more yet to come. Yet, through all of the travels, it will hold such a wonderful story that can be told for years to come.

D-Man may not know it's full importance today as he sits and "checks his e-mail" or "calls his friends" or "listens to his music" (I put all of that in quotation marks because this is what he says he is doing with all of his play gadgets), but someday, we hope that he can pass on the story and the legacy to his own children.

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