Monday, February 11, 2008

If I had a dollar (or more)...

To all of my bloggy friends out there, let me be the first to tell you...I am so ready for Spring!!!!

Warm weather...yeah!!!!!

Pretty flowers...yipppeeeee!!! can bet I need one!!! (Husband was just standing over my shoulder reading my post and asked what pedicures have to do with spring. Obviously his toes don't get out much when the weather gets warmer).

Body that looks like a million bucks...not exactly!!!!!

But, if my body was ready for all those great spring clothes, I thought I would show you some of my favorites that are out for the spring.

First, oh how I love this cute little cardigan from Anthropologie. Pair it with this cute halter dress also from Anthropologie and oh how cute I would feel. Remember, though, I could never pull off the halter dress without the cardigan, MUST WEAR TOGETHER!

And while we are on the subject of things to cover me up with, check out this jacket from Old Navy! Isn't it too cute? Pair it with this and this and top off with these (all from Old Navy) and you have an adorable outfit with some great pieces that can be worn with so many things.

Finally, something D-Man will be sporting this spring and summer are these shorts and the ice cream shirt from CWDKids. Won't he be so cute?

What's out there for spring that you are eyeing? Point me in the direction of more cuteness.

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Kelly @ Love Well said...

Speak not of the spring that never cometh.

Seriously. I would love to look at some cute spring clothes. But seeing as warm weather is at least two months away still (more likely three), I daren't start shopping.

Plus, I'm hoping to lose some of this baby weight before I transition into another wardrobe. Because right now, baby got back!