Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Titles on Tuesday

Today's Tuesday title is a book that strives to make you become the woman of excellence God designed you to be. It is called A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. It is actually a book that has been out for several years, but one I feel is relevant at any time in our lives.

The purpose of this book is to try and help you accomplish the following:

*foster a deep committment to serve and honor your husband
*pray faithfully for your children and teach them God's word
*create a nurturing environment at home
*grow in your walk with the Lord through the love of Scripture and in discipleship
*learn to reach out to others

I read this book several years ago, but feel that I am at a point in my walk with God that I need to read it once more. I would very much recommend it to all of you out there.

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Jennifer said...

That sounds like a wonderful read.

Thanks for the recommendation


Heather said...

Great book...she's also a good speaker. We had her speak at a Ladies' Conference two years ago at our church. She's full of Godly wisdom.
