Thursday, June 5, 2008

Asking Amy

Ok my bloggy friends, the time has come.

The time I know you have been looking oh so forward to.

I'm giving you a chance to ask me a question. It could be something that you want to know about me, my life, my hobbies, my interests, etc, or it could just be a random-I've-been-dying-to-ask-someone-but-not-sure-who-to-ask question.

Disclaimer: All questions will be read and only family friendly ones will be answered on the blog.

So, my dear friends ask away!

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Anonymous said...

Who is your favorite sister?

Tonya said...

I've thought of doing this but I don't think I could handle a question like Jessie asked you ;)

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Since I enjoy decorating.....I would ask what one room do you love in your house & why and what one room would you most like to change?

Anonymous said...

Jessie is so funny! What is your favorite book of the Bible?

Jennifer said...

I asked a question on my blog on Thursday...for the "Random Question of the Day" I would LOVE to hear your answer to it.
It was....
Have you ever laughed out loud when it was totally inappropriate to do so???
You will have to go read my post and see a couple of the inappropriate times that I have. lol!!