Monday, December 29, 2008
I have not the words

Posted by
12:20 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, Holidays
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wishes, wishes and more!
Posted by
12:25 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Inside Snowstorm
I am almost positive you have never heard of such a thing...an inside snowstorm.

Posted by
12:38 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Monday, December 22, 2008
Just consider it an early Christmas present
A dear, sweet lady in our book club brought this dessert to November's meeting. And I didn't just sample the dessert, I ate 2 and then asked for the recipe.
It was that good. And I don't even like pumpkin.
So, because I love you all so much and you have made my 2008 so great, I am passing the recipe on to all of you in hopes that you will make it for me, wrap it up and send it my way...so I can eat 1 or 2 or all of them.
18 gingersnap cookies
12 ounces cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon corn starch
1 teaspoon Pumpkin pie spice
2 eggs
1cup canned pumpkin
1/3 cup Karo (corn) syrup
Beat cream cheese, sugar, corn starch, and pumpkin pie spice with an electric mixer until well mixed. Add eggs and blend well. Add pumpkin and syrup. Beat 1 minute.
Pour filling into cups, dividing evenly. Bake in a preheated 325 oven for 30 or 35 minutes, until just set.Chill for 1 hour. Garnish as desired.
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Recipes
Friday, December 19, 2008
There are many who still believe
The Rockette experience with D-Man was great.
The "ladies" (as he called them) kicked and danced and tapped and smiled their way into all of our hearts.
Santa was there...many santas were there and they even found a place to throw in the nutcracker.
But the absolute best part was this (please excuse the videography and concentrate on the song):
Towards the conclusion of the show, they sang "The First Noel" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" as the people came from near and far to observe the wonderful, miraculous happenings in the Inn. The Inn at Bethlehem. The Inn where Jesus was born.
How wonderful to see a show so wrapped up in the "commercialization" of our society, actually portray to tens of thousands of people what Christmas is all about. Isn't that great? Doesn't that warm and thrill your heart?
As you head into the weekend and gear up for Christmas in just a few days, dwell on the true reason we celebrate December 25th and find the joy and happiness in it...just as God intended for us to.
Posted by
12:34 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man, My Faith
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My legs only dream of kicking that high
As you are reading this, Husband, D-Man and I are in the care headed to see the Rockettes perform their Christmas Spectacular.
Here's a little taste of what we will see today.
I'll have a full report on Friday.
Happy Thursday!
Posted by
12:57 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A digital camera + A three year old + Free Reign
Last night was the annual decorate Granny's Christmas tree party at my Granny and Papa's house.
Granny likes every year to have all the grandkids and great-grandkids who can come to her house and help her finish decorating her tree by adding our own personalized ornaments.
This year was no different and a great time was had. One thing Granny has always been known for is her "photography skills." I use the term skills very loosely because she has been known to not get the full person in her pictures (i.e. she cuts their heads off or her fingers are in the way). But she is consistent and laughs about it so it's all good.
And I'm now convinced that D-Man might have inherited some of her skills. I have been gathering research to prove it.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B: Exhibit C:

Posted by
12:26 AM
Labels: D-Man
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Without further adieu...

Oh, and I'm trying to find ways to occupy and contain a three year old. This is going to be a long winter.
Posted by
12:56 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tis the Season to Celebrate the Real Reason
(Knock, Knock)
Oh hello! Welcome to my home. I am so delighted that you could come by and take the tour hosted by BooMama and Julia from Hooked on Houses. What? You love my wreath? Well, me too! Thanks Mrs. K for making it so special for the D-House last year.

Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Holidays
Friday, December 12, 2008
My cup is not overflowing
In fact, my cup is a bit dry today.
This has been an insane week.
Last night we hosted a Christmas party for 30 at our house.
Tonight we have another Christmas party.
Tomorrow we have a college graduation.
Sunday we have our choir Christmas musical.
Monday I will rest.
So, with all that said, come back Monday when I give you a tour of my home as BooMama hosts her 2008 Christmas Tour of Homes!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Posted by
12:59 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Are you first, last or somewhere in the middle?
So how's the shopping going for you?
Have you checked everything off your list and now in the wrapping phase?
Is there something that is hard to find this year for that special someone?
I would love to hear how the Christmas shopping season is progressing for all of you.
Posted by
12:54 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Never Quite Right
Are you like me and have a lot of trouble getting those pics that you take of yourself to turn out just right?

This is definitely a skill I need to work on.
Posted by
12:05 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I think mine might be from Pluto
That really should be enough said.
Aren't they the greatest...most of the time.
I love mine to death, but I think that he really must be from a far, far distant planet sometime.
Case in point...
Child + water = MESS
As in mess all over the bathroom floor and shower curtain.
But, when the day is done, despite the 27 extra messes that both my boys cause me, I still love them.
What about you? Do your husbands make you smile and then drive you CRAZY?
Posted by
12:39 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Monday, December 8, 2008
Cheeseburgers & Dennys
This is what I have had to listen to all weekend. It is running through my head CONSTANTLY.
Now you will have it running through your head.
Good luck with that.
Happy Monday!
Posted by
12:06 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The winner
Congrats Queen B! You were the winner of my Christmas Shoes giveaway!
I hope that it makes your season a little merrier and a little brighter!
Posted by
10:58 PM
Labels: Giveaways
Friday, December 5, 2008
Apparently his view is different than mine
D-Man and I are about two hours east of where we live visiting my sis and her husband.
A fantabulous time is being had by all...obviously because I am here and I make everyone's day better, right?
Anyway, last night as D-Man was winding down from our day of fun, we were watching some previews on a movie. The movie happened to be made by that company in Florida (Orlando to be exact) that every child (and many adults) want to visit.
When it got to the end of the intro, the fireworks exploded and the castle appeared. That, is where D-Man said we lived.
Apparently, though, the butler and housekeeper and cook have forgotten to show up everyday and perform their duties at the castle.
Oh wait...those are my jobs, aren't they?
Have a great weekend...and if you find any extra "clothes-folding-present-wrapping-floor-sweeping" time, please let me know. I may know somewhere you can use that time.
Posted by
12:18 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The deck that broke the fall
I told you about a week ago that we may or may not have been in the ER with D-Man and that we may or may not have had stitches.
Well, we did and we do.
Does that clear it up for you?
Oh...you mean you might want details? Oh, all right.
It'll give me something to blog about, so here goes.
Husband was home for a nice, long three day weekend. The weather had turned out to be a sunny day with a bit of a chill in the air, but not enough to keep any of us inside.
After a hearty breakfast of frozen pancakes (they were frozen by me that is...as in, I made them and then froze them), fruit and milk, we all set outside to begin some much needed "projects."
I was in the front yard raking the leaves from what appeared to be every tree in a tri-state area and Husband and D-Man were in the back working on D-Man's fort.
After what appeared like days (really just a few hours) and a hearty lunch from old Ronald himself, we all got up on the 2nd story of the fort to nail on the last few boards for the day.
Husband and I were chatting about our evening plans which included D-Man spending the night with NaNa Lu and he and I getting some Christmas shopping completed and taking in a movie.
We also made the mistake of talking about how great it had been that we hadn't had any accidents on the fort since beginning it's construction in late summer.
Can we say, "Spoke to soon?"
Only moments after making that comment, D-Man wasn't paying attention and he fell through the ladder hole that leads to the 2nd story. He not only fell, he fell 5 feet, face first, onto a solid deck of boards.
Right then and there, my heart dropped. I frantically got myself down the stairs and picked him up, not really knowing what I was going to see.
I wasn't prepared for it. Blood on your child is not something that you want to see, and he had it gushing out of his mouth and chin.
I handed him off to Husband and ran ahead of them into the house to get a towel to stop the bleeding. Husband assessed the situation from a medical standpoint and announced that he would be the one sewing him up.
Stitches? Stitches? My baby needs stitches was all that I could think about. And the fact that I was not going to let the emotional Daddy sew his own child up. So, I did what any mother in my situation who has a father-in-law who is a physician as well would do, I called him.
He met us at the hospital, several rounds of sedatives were given to no avail and D-Man was finally strapped to the papoose board and held down by 4 people so that stitches could be given.
I wasn't in the room...I couldn't be in the room...being in the room might have sent me over the edge. I wasn't being heartless, I was just being a mom who knew that Dad and PaPa and NaNa RAD were in there taking care of the situation and my presence or lack of if I had passed out would have not helped the situation.
And now I am happy to report that the stitches have come out (except for one in the lip that we are praying comes out on it's own because taking the stitches out has almost been as dramatic as putting them in) and aside from irritation on his chin from the band aids, D-Man is almost healed.
We thank God everyday that the accident was not worse than it was. It is a miracle that our sweet, precious little one did not break a bone in the fall. And although Husband initially apologized profusely to D-Man for the fall (feeling that his building of the fort was the underlying cause of the fall) and threatened to burn it down, we have all returned to a normal life.
Wow...that may have been the longest post ever written. But, I was able to tell the story and give you a bit more insight to the D-Household.
Posted by
12:55 AM
Labels: D-Man
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Saying hello from beneath the laundry pile
It's true...I've fallen off the last few days.
And the laundry, well...it's gotten a little out of hand.
I've been having too much fun with D-Man and so...
Anyone out there want to fold some socks? How about some underwear? Maybe some towels?
I hated to have to ask for assistance, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.
(I've always wanted to say that thing about girls doing what they've got to do).
((The phrase added a riveting amount of literary excellence to the post, I know)).
Well, if I have no takers on the laundry, I guess I'll be settling in for the long haul.
I only wish that D-Man got as much enjoyment out of folding his underwear and socks as he got out of playing Hungry, Hungry Hippo.
Go figure...
Posted by
12:41 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
For me? Oh, you shouldn't have

Posted by
12:08 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, Awards
Monday, December 1, 2008
To kick myself in gear and kick the holidays off right
Ever since the virus hit, I've had trouble being a consistent blogger.
Anyone out there know what I mean?
But, today is the day. The day that I kick off the 25 days till Christmas by kicking myself in the backside and kicking a giveaway your way.
I want you all to get into the spirit of Christmas.
Not the worldly-I've-got-to-get-all-the-latest-for-those-on-my-list spirit, I'm talking about the true spirit of Christmas.
So during this week I want you to leave me your comments telling me what Christmas means to you. In return, I'll close the comments Friday, December 5 at 5 pm and choose a random winner who will receive a copy of The Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere.
I chose this book because it reflects the true meaning of giving being more important than receiving on Christmas. It is important because it reflects the giving nature of God when He gave us Jesus Christ who ultimately died on the cross so that all of our sins would be forgiven.
So, get your thinking caps on...go to the comment section and tell me how you feel. You don't have to be a blogger to participate, just be sure and leave me a way to contact you should you win. Only one entry per person.
Now, let the season officially begin.
Posted by
12:24 AM
Labels: Giveaways
Thursday, November 27, 2008
For this I give thanks
It is a holiday full of food, football and fellowship. Well, at least it is this at our house.
And as we settle in for a great day of delicious dishes and afternoon siestas, I wanted to reflect and name the top ten things I am thankful for this year.
1. My Heavenly Father...who saved a wretch like me. He loves me despite all that I am and by His grace, I am saved.
2. Husband and D-Man...for without them, my world would be duller and cleaner.
3. My family (this includes all of my in-laws too)...you complete the picture and support the D-House through it all.
4. My unbelievable friends...I learn each year what true friendship means as I have those few tried and true friends who hang with me through it all. God bless you!
5. Gas prices...filling up my tank today at $37 versus the $93 it took to fill up back in the summer makes me very thankful.
6. The troops who defend our freedoms and protect our country...you guys and gals rock!
7. My bloggy friends...your consistent encouragement of this blog keeps me going.
8. All things carbs...oh how I love you and will be consuming you today.
9. My health and my healing...this year turned into a strange one with the lawnmower accident, but I am thankful that I am back and back stronger and better.
10. God continues to be in the driver's seat...keep driving us on, Father, keep driving us on.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and remember to be safe, eat lots and take time to remember all those things you are thankful for this year.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Just when you think you've got it all together
I thought I was back.
Life reminded me there were other things more important.
I've been in Texas for a funeral.
Will be back to almost full speed on Thursday.
Thank you and have a good day.
Posted by
12:38 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Monday, November 24, 2008
My Life in Print
Has it really been over a week since you graced my doorstep for some real-life, up-to-date Amy blogs?
I am sorry that I deprived you....sorry that I've kept you waiting so long.
How have you been?
(Knock, Knock) Anyone there?
Is this thing turned on?
Do I still have followers?
Doesn't that sound so...cool...Followers? Kind-of like groupies. Sounds so important.
Which I am so not...well, except to my D-Man and hopefully to my Husband (as long as they have good food and clean clothes).
Anyway, I've missed you all. A lot has happened during my time away. So much so that I don't think I can possibly tell you all about it in this one post. So, as any blogger knows, I'll be spreading the love out over the course of several days. What's some time away without some good blog stories?
And, I'll have a really great get-you-in-the-true-holiday-spirit giveaway on Friday. I'll give you a hint...well, maybe I won't.
I will give you some stories to look forward to. They may or may not involve a 3 year old, a 5 foot fall, an emergency room and some stitches. They also may or may not include 4 decorated trees...all in my house. They might even include lessons learned from a week with no computer.
Have I peaked your interest?
Tune in...more to come.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hello? Hello? Anyone out there?
I'm still here.
Computer still not.
Please don't leave me.
Come back on Monday for lots of updates and a giveaway announcement.
Posted by
8:56 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Monday, November 17, 2008
How I wish that I could talk to all of you
We arrived home from Branson last night. We had a great time, but I'll have to give an update later because my computer is still on the blink and I have limited access.
Just know I am here...missing you all and wishing I could talk to you longer.
Posted by
12:24 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Just call it the Recap Show
Rachel at Just another Day in Paradise e-mailed me the other day to ask me to follow-up on some topics that I have talked about in previous posts. Rachel, I owe you big because I had absolutely nothing to blog about and this helps me TREMENDOUSLY!
The first question she asked about is our computer. If you'll remember, it got a virus. I sent it to our computer-guru-brother-in-law and he said it was major sick. So sick, in fact, that he was going to have to re-format the entire hard drive. In other words, start over from scratch. Lovely. Just what I wanted to hear. At least he can take care of it for little to no cost.
I hope you don't get the virus. Apparently, it is serious.
The second question Rachel asked was about the Bible study I am currently involved in. I actually have been leading this study for the past 5 weeks and can't believe what an amazing blessing it has been. I don't really know if it is my season in life or what, but every week, God has spoken to me in such a way that I feel so close to Him. I have been amazed and humbled by the fact that God wants to take me "so far" in life that the only way I can explain it is through God.
If you need a study to do, this may be it for you. It is six weeks, uses Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur and I don't think it would disappoint.
The third question she asked is one that interestingly enough has been on my mind a lot lately. She asked if I had ever considered doing some type of online Bible study? And surprisingly enough, I've been thinking a lot about it lately. God has laid this burden on my heart and I'm exploring options to see where to go with it. Pray for me and for this possible ministry.
Rachel, thanks again for the questions. If anyone else has any, please comment and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
I'm off to pack for our weekend getaway to Branson, MO with Husband's family! I'm sure many blogging stories will be made over the weekend and I'll be back on Monday to share them.
Have a GREAT one!
Posted by
12:42 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Works-for-Me: Burritos in a Pan
I've always wanted to say "that's just how we roll." Did I pull it off well?
Anyway, I found a new burrito recipe that I think that you all will like. It worked for me last night for dinner and so I am passing on the love. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Make it tonight, call me and I'll help you eat it. For more great tips, check out Shannon's site!
Posted by
10:35 PM
Titles on Tuesday: Must See Movie
Husband and I had a chance to go see the movie "Fireproof" this weekend.
We were on a date...with no child...and popcorn...and whatever I wanted to drink.
We were also on a date with the rest of our church, but that is beside the point.
Husband I have what I consider a wonderful marriage. We respect each other. We love each other. We laugh together. We cry together. We fight together. We work through our fights together. We parent together.
And still, this movie had an impact on us. It was a reminder of the sacredness of marriage and the sacredness of our relationship with Christ. A reminder that marriage takes work...by both parties.
The storyline plays out between a firefighter and his wife who have grown apart due to lack of communication and lack of Christ in their lives. Divorce, they feel, is the answer, but a 40 day challenge...a 40 day focus back on the basics of what Christ teaches us about marriage changes everything.
If you haven't seen it, go see it. If you have seen, tell someone about it. And, then let me know what you think. I can't wait to read your comments!
Posted by
12:29 AM
Labels: Titles on Tuesday
Monday, November 10, 2008

Posted by
12:53 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man
Thursday, November 6, 2008
She's Having Some Trouble
My computer...in a it of a jam.
As in...virus.
Getting it repaired.
Hope to be back on Monday.
Don't miss me.
Posted by
12:59 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Works for me Toys
Shannon over at Rocks in my Dryer is hosting a blogger-tell-all Works-for-me Wednesday. She wants to know what toys our kids can't live without in hopes that your Christmas list will be filled with suggestions.
Posted by
12:17 AM
Labels: Works-for-me Wednesday
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Have you ever thought about the world and how it always changes.
Our hair changes.
Our hair color changes.
The leaves change.
Cars change.
Schools change.
Doctors change.
Government officials change.
Our clothes change.
Styles change.
Change is such a constant in our lives.
The change can be good...but it can be not so good as well.
Often times change is not comfortable or fun or what we want, but God's plan takes us through it and we are better for having changed.
Today a new president will be decided. He may be who you wanted or he may not. Nonetheless, I've got good news for you, my friends, God doesn't change. He stays the same. He loves us regardless. He lives to be our Father. And He is in control.
Pray for our country today and remember no matter what the outcome is tonight, God is still the same; He is unchanged.
Posted by
12:16 AM
Labels: My Faith
Monday, November 3, 2008
There's Been a Little Problem...
I know I should be eating this...But all I can think about is eating this (actually, all of these).
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Friday, October 31, 2008
Ever feel like you are at the bottom of the candy bowl?
That's how I feel...I got nothing today.
Enjoy your day...Happy Halloween...eat lots of candy (I'm sure I will).
Posted by
12:05 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Who ya gonna call?
He might be your guy....he works for the "Howling Hospital" and his credentials don't just say M.D., they say Super M.D.
If you need his services, the number to call is 1-888-HELPINU.
Posted by
12:53 AM
Labels: D-Man
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A Verse for today...
Posted by
12:18 AM
Labels: My Faith
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Oh, the Pressure
I am kind-of distracted this week trying to win a few giveaways.
So, I thought I would turn the pressure over to all of you.
Aren't you thrilled?
I want to know for those of you who blog, why did you begin blog and do you still blog for the same reasons as when you started. Also, if you are a blogger, is it still as fun for you today as it was back then.
And don't worry, those of you who don't blog, I still have a question for you.
You don't get off the hook that easy.
So, if you don't blog, why don't you blog or why did you blog and then quit?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I'm on the edge of my sit waiting...and trying to win a few things.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekend in Review
This weekend was all about family.

Posted by
12:21 AM
Labels: Amy's Randomness, D-Man